Chapter 1296 Want to get him (1)

"It's because he is so kind to me that I worry. He doesn't remember that I have done everything for me. If he remembers everything, I'm afraid his illness will be cured in vain. Look at how good he is now, how restrained he is? If he gets sick again for me, I am afraid that I will lose him completely, do you understand?!"

As Han Shushu spoke, his eyes turned red.

Who would desire Chu Mubai more than her client?
She wanted to get close to him, but she was afraid of hurting him. She hesitated and struggled every day, and every time she wanted to get close to him, she remembered what Qin Ruyu had said.

After all, she's just a coward.

In fact, if Chu Mubai can maintain this status quo, even if he wants to find another woman, she thinks it will be better than watching him go crazy.

"But, isn't the emperor well now?" Wan Xin murmured for a moment at a loss for words.

It turned out that Han Shushu didn't dare to get too close to his master because he was afraid that his master would get sick again. She thought it was because Han Shushu deliberately teased Chu Mubai's appetite that he was so hypocritical.

"Split personality is different from other diseases. It is not so easy to treat. I don't know if Qin Ruyu played a trick when he was treating Shisan. Wanxin, I can't afford to lose. I would rather he hate me all his life. I don’t want to hurt him anymore. I’ve been thinking, if he hadn’t met me, he would have become a wise king through the ages, and I was the one who blocked his way.”

Han Shushu wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes indiscriminately. She sighed and said in a hoarse voice: "You have served him for many years, and you know that there are some things that should be said and some things that should not be said. Just pretend that you have never heard what I told you just now." ,do you know?"

She didn't believe in evil that time, and always felt that the final result was not that bad, but Chu Mubai almost went crazy.

So that time she resigned herself to compromise.

The current situation is so good, and Chu Mubai is so good, how can she make the same mistake again for a moment of pleasure?

"Your servant knows." Wanxin looked at Han Shushu absent-mindedly: "So the girl is not planning to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to sleep?"

Han Shushu shook his head: "Let him hate me, it's good for him to stay away from me."

"Yes, the servant will leave." Wanxin walked to the gate of the south courtyard, turned her head to look at Han Shushu, her eyes were blurred with tears: "Girl, everything will be fine, girl is right to do so."

Anyone who loves Chu Mubai would do the same, but only suffers from Han Shushu.

"Go, take good care of him." Han Shushu returned to calm, and the tears in his eyes were replaced by a smile.

"Yes, girl!" Wanxin took another deep look at Han Shushu, and then left without looking back.

The Hall of Mental Cultivation is at Haishi.

Chu Mubai sat on the dragon couch in a daze, clenched his fists more and more tightly.Seeing that it was past Haishi, Han Shushu's damned woman still didn't show up.

This meant that the woman didn't want him.

Did she think that he had to be her?
Or did she think that he wouldn't find other women to sleep with?

"Go and find the two concubines!" Chu Mubai ordered in a deep voice.

Wanxin's eyes turned red when she heard this, but she didn't dare to disobey Chu Mubai's intention.

At the moment when she was struggling, Zhao Jinzhong screamed outside: "Your Majesty, I will see you, imperial concubine and empress!"

When Wanxin heard that Qin Ruyu had come, her face turned dark.

Qin Ruyu looks so much like Han Shushu, what if Chu Mubai decides to back down?
Chu Mubai can't find any other beauties to sleep with, and he can't find Qin Ruyu either.

Qin Ruyu is a scheming woman, not a good thing!

(End of this chapter)

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