Chapter 1302 Want to get him (8)

"No, I seldom go out and rarely see people face to face. Please rest assured, my lord. I have not established any enemies, and it is impossible for anyone to poison me." Pan Cairen said, coughing lightly twice.

"This is my homemade detoxification pill, you take it first." Han Shushu said, handing the pill to Pan Cairen's lips.

Pan Cairen was convinced.

After taking the pills, I feel much refreshed.

She held Han Shushu's hand, and looked at her with pleading eyes: "Can you sit here with me for a while, sir, and leave after an hour?"

These words were also instructed by Lou Jinghong.

"Of course, you can sleep peacefully. I'll be right here and I won't go anywhere. I'll leave only after making sure you're well." Han Shushu deserved to be refreshed.

"Master Han is so kind." Pan Cairen sighed softly, and the words came from the bottom of his heart.

Han Shushu is Chu Mubai's favorite person, but he never puts on airs. What's more, Han Shushu also has a little prince. This woman has the capital to look down upon the harem.

But in Han Shushu's eyes, what she cares most about is not power, fame and fortune, but that man Chu Mubai.

Coupled with Han Shushu's pleasing temperament, lively and funny, it's no wonder that he will attract the admiration of many men.

Deep down in his heart, Pan Cairen envied Han Shushu.It's just that she also knows that there are some things that she can't envy.

After Pan Cairen fell asleep, Han Shushu sat there for a while before getting up and leaving the bedroom.

After leaving the bedroom, she saw Lou Jinghong sitting in the living room.

Looking at his sitting posture, people who don't know it may think that he is the owner of the other garden.

She went to Xiao Louzi and kicked his calf: "Little Louzi, have you always been so modest? Pan Cai is your master, why do you act like you are the master here?"

"The little master is kind and kind, and he is very kind to Xiao Louzi." Lou Jinghong replied indifferently.

"If someone treats you well, you have to treat them well. Don't bully the good and fear the evil. Pan Cai is weak, so take good care of him." Han Shushu wanted to leave after speaking.

Lou Jinghong looked coldly at Han Shushu's back: "The girl just promised well. The young master just fell asleep, so the girl wants to leave?"

Is this in a hurry to see Chu Mubai?

"I'm going to fetch medicine for Pan Cairen, and I'll bring the medicine after it's ready. You can watch her here and don't run around. The patient needs care most. When she opens her eyes, she will feel at ease when she sees someone around her." Han Shu Shu waved her little hand and left.

Lou Jinghong immediately became depressed.

If Pan Cairen was completely ill, he would not get any benefit.

It would be better if he got sick...

This thought flashed through him, and he thought it was a good way.

Han Shushu's heart is very soft, if he gets hurt more seriously, maybe Han Shushu will value him more.

Han Shushu naturally didn't know Lou Jinghong's little thoughts.

After she returned to the Tai Hospital, she took the medicine and suffered it herself.

Thinking of the troublesome little Louzi again, she took a few more bottles of wound medicine and went to Chuxiu Palace.

How do you know there is no trace of Xiao Louzi.

She woke up Pan Cairen, fed her medicine, and asked, "Where did Xiao Louzi go?"

Pan Cairen pursed his lips and smiled: "I was summoned by Supervisor Wang of the Inner Palace Bureau, so I should be back later?"

"I thought he let you ignore him and went off to be lazy. My master should be stricter with him, look at Xiao Louzi's virtue, if I let him indulge me, sooner or later he will climb on my head and act wild." Han Shushu said After speaking, I heard movement from outside.

(End of this chapter)

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