Chapter 1305 Lovesickness (3)

Han Shushu felt ashamed, and suddenly became half shorter in front of Chu Mubai, not daring to look up at him.

I thought he would make a fuss, but who knew that he never looked her in the eye, and just walked away surrounded by everyone.

Han Shushu looked at the man surrounded by the crowd with fascination: "So handsome!"

Not only domineering, but also very mighty. Just looking at the man's aura, one can't help but be overwhelmed by his domineering.

Forget it, when she sees someone she already wants to see, she should go to the Hall of Nourishing Heart to see her son, right?

Thinking of this, she ran into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Chu Mubai walked for a while before asking, "Chu Yun, didn't that woman catch up?"

Chu Yun was taken aback for a moment, he looked back, there was no one in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and of course Han Shushu did not follow.

It turned out that Chu Mubai hoped that Han Shushu would follow...

"If you go back to the emperor, no." Chu Yun suppressed a smile and replied with lowered eyes.

Obviously caring a lot, but still pretending!

Chu Mubai's unattractive face turned even darker.

That dead woman, just this little sincerity?
It was clear that she was sorry for him last night, and he thought that she came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to apologize to him, but he knew it was just the opposite.

The anger in his heart spread, and he paced back and forth on the spot.

Chu Yun was dizzy from being shaken by Chu Mubai, and hurriedly persuaded him: "The girl has entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she must go to see the little prince, why not the emperor also go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so that I can see the girl..."

"You mean she didn't come to see me, but to see Yuan Bao?!" Chu Mubai glared at Chu Yun and asked.

Chu Yun wished he could slap his mouth, no wonder Chu Mubai misunderstood.

"of course not--"

Just as Chu Yun opened his mouth, Chu Mubai grabbed his collar roughly: "Why not? She saw that I didn't even have the most basic greetings. As soon as I left, she immediately entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation. She just wanted to Small ones, not big ones!"

Chu Yun was at a loss for words again.

He's not Han Shushu, how could he know what Han Shushu was thinking.

What's more, it's no use yelling at him, he's not Han Shushu.

"Your Majesty is worrying too much. The girl admires the Emperor, and the one who wants to see her is naturally the Emperor." Chu Yun explained weakly, looking at the angry face of the emperor right in front of him, he felt a sense of sympathy.

"If she really admired me, she wouldn't be indifferent when she knew that I wanted to call other concubines to sleep with her!" Chu Mubai said coldly, and threw Chu Yun away with all his strength.

Chu Yun did several somersaults in the air before he barely managed to stand still.

Fortunately, he is good at lightness kung fu, otherwise he would be crippled if he was thrown by Chu Mubai.

Han Shushu, the culprit, was in front of Chu Mubai just now, why didn't Chu Mubai throw Han Shushu?

"Chu Yun, come here!" Chu Mubai ordered quietly to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun immediately ran to Chu Mubai, salivated and asked, "What is the emperor's order?"

"Go and see what she is doing in the Hall of Mental Cultivation!!" Chu Mubai ordered coldly.

"Isn't the emperor going back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation?" Chu Yun asked in astonishment.

"She's there, I won't go back!" Chu Yun couldn't laugh or cry at Chu Mubai's words.

Chu Mubai also said that Han Shushu was naive, and in his opinion, Chu Mubai was also quite naive, to be so disgusted with a woman like this.

He quickly ran back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and went to the East Pavilion. He saw Han Shushu playing with Xiao Yuanbao, and the two mothers and sons were having fun. Seeing him coming, Han Shushu asked in puzzlement, "Aren't you accompanying me?" Did Thirteen go out?"

"Something fell." Chu Yun said, but glanced at Xiaocao standing beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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