Chapter 1311 Trial One Night (1)

"Wanxin, you are really evil." Xiaocao even winked at Wanxin ambiguously.

Wanxin actually regretted it after she finished speaking, after all, she heard what Han Shushu said last night.

If Chu Mubai's old illness relapses because of this, how can it be better?

It was her idea, I just hope nothing goes wrong.

Wanxin was uneasy, but Chu Mubai was proud of herself.

Thinking of meeting Han Shushu in the evening, he immediately became excited when he was reviewing the memorial. He felt that today's memorial was more interesting than ever before.

After nightfall, Han Shushu returned to the South Courtyard in a daze.

In view of the sleepless night last night, she took some refreshing medicine to persist until now.

She didn't even eat dinner, so she ran to the couch and fell into a deep sleep.

While she was sleeping soundly, someone broke in, ran up to her and shook her vigorously: "Girl, it's not good, something serious happened, get up quickly!"

She opened her sleepy eyes, and seeing that it was Wan Xin, she replied inarticulately: "I don't care about big things, don't disturb me, I'm almost sleepy."

"The emperor will be occupied by other concubines, and the girl is still asleep!" Wanxin shouted in Han Shushu's ear.

Han Shushu's eardrums were buzzing, she stared wide-eyed, looked at Wanxin and asked, "What did you just say?"

"The emperor was drunk, and he was in the imperial garden. All the concubines wanted to throw themselves into the arms of the emperor. If the girl doesn't go, it will be too late!" As soon as Wanxin finished speaking, Han Shushu got off the couch with no shoes on. Just run outside.

She saw it so clearly that she wanted to laugh.

"Girl, put on your shoes, don't make jokes, and be compared to other beauties." Wanxin stepped forward and pulled Han Shushu back, helped her make up, then helped her put on embroidered shoes, and added embellishment: "Girl is I didn't see those beauties looking like wolves and tigers, each of them seemed to have never seen a man, and they almost devoured the emperor alive."

"In that case, why are you running here, hurry up and protect him." Han Shushu pushed Wanxin away, and ran away.

Wanxin couldn't help laughing out loud.

She usually looked quite calm, but it turned out that she was just pretending.

At this moment, Han Shushu probably forgot to keep a distance from Chu Mubai, right?
She chased after Han Shushu and said loudly, "Young lady, run slowly, you haven't tied your hair yet, walking out like this is like a crazy woman..."

The more Wanxin shouted, the faster Han Shushu ran.

Seeing no one around at last, Han Shushu simply performed lightness kung fu, and soon arrived near the imperial garden.

When she saw that Yu Huayuan was all human, she realized that Wanxin was not exaggerating at all.

You know, what a spectacular scene it is for the three thousand in the harem to move in full force.

Even the court ladies couldn't hold back and wanted a piece of the pie.

Anyway, Chu Mubai was drunk, if he didn't take this opportunity to get close to Chu Mubai, he would be a fool.

Such an opportunity comes once every six years, which is too rare.

As long as she takes the opportunity to occupy Chu Mubai's body, and if she is lucky enough to conceive a dragon son, the harem can walk sideways from now on.

Han Shushu didn't need to look for it at all, he saw that the place surrounded by the crowd must be where Chu Mubai was.

There were people all around, and she couldn't get in at all.

"Get out of the way!" She shouted heavily.

All the sisters looked back at the sound, and when they saw Han Shushu with disheveled hair, they felt sorry for him.

It's over, Han Shushu is here, do they still have a share?

The original intention was to take advantage of this golden opportunity to get Chu Mubai's body, but there were too many people who came with the same idea.

(End of this chapter)

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