Chapter 1313 Trial One Night (3)

How could Lou Jinghong be sure that Chu Mubai was cheating on drunkenness?
What's more, Chu Mubai has no reason to pretend to be drunk, right?
Chu Mubai's drunkenness attracted all the concubines in the harem. Is it necessary to do such a thing?
"I know him well. According to his drinking capacity, it is impossible for him to get drunk." Lou Jinghong's eyes were dark.

As for why Chu Mubai pretended to be drunk, it was nothing more than trying to attract Han Shushu, a stupid woman.

Han Shushu didn't even know that he had lured wolves into the house, he was so stupid!
If Chu Mubai wants to take the opportunity to occupy the body of that woman Han Shushu, that's fine.

When he thought of the scene of Han Shushu Chenghuan under other men, a fire burned in his heart.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he found that he had an evil heart towards Han Shushu.

If he knew this earlier, he shouldn't have approached Han Shushu in this way.Now, it is too late to regret.

After repelling Pan Cairen, Lou Jinghong followed to the vicinity of the South Courtyard, wanting to know the situation in the South Courtyard, but could not enter openly.

All he can do now is wait!
South Court.

After Han Shushu brought Chu Mubai to the south courtyard, he mixed up the hangover medicine, and handed the medicine bowl to Chu Mubai's lips: "Your Majesty, you will feel better after drinking this bowl of hangover medicine."

Chu Mubai just looked at her with drunken eyes, neither took medicine nor spoke, as if he was carefully identifying her.

"Since the emperor is drunk, let him rest well. I will send the emperor back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Chu Yun, help the emperor back!" Qin Ruyu put on the airs of a noble concubine and ordered to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun pretended not to hear anything and didn't respond.

"Chu Yun, how dare you disobey my orders?" Qin Ruyu glared at Chu Yun.

Chu Yun looked back calmly, and said word by word: "I only obey the emperor's orders, the imperial concubine is not capable enough to order Chu Yun!"

Qin Ruyu's complexion changed again and again, but there was nothing he could do about Chu Yun.

After all, Chu Yun's identity is there.He is Chu Mubai's close servant, and he is always with Chu Mubai.

The only person in this world who can command Chu Yun is Chu Mubai, the Southern Emperor.

"Chu Yun, please get them out of the south courtyard." Han Shushu looked at Chu Yun and said.

Qin Ruyu is too noisy a woman, does she really regard the south courtyard as her sound palace?

"The imperial concubine, the concubine Chen, please!" Chu Yun got the order, looked at Qin Ruyu and An Sujing, and spoke forcefully.

Qin Ruyu's expression changed.

Is Han Shushu slapping her in the face?
Just now Chu Yun said that he only obeyed Chu Mubai's orders, but the next moment Han Shushu asked Chu Yun to drive her away?

"If the two ladies don't leave, don't blame Chu Yun for driving people away. It's not good-looking! What's more, the south courtyard is the girl's private house, and the emperor has already ordered that no one should trespass without permission." Chu Yun said neither humble nor overbearing road.

Qin Ruyu looked at Chu Yun coldly for a while, then turned and left.

An Sujing then followed out of the South Courtyard.

The moment the two women walked out of the south courtyard, they looked back at the same time.

"My sister said how capable my sister is. When she came to Han Shushu, she would still be humiliated. According to my sister, I should accept my fate? In this life, my sister will never be able to fight against Han Shushu." An Sujing had been watching At this time, she couldn't help but sneer at Qin Ruyu.

Han Shushu easily got everything they wanted.

Not only Chu Mubai showed great favor to Han Shushu, but even a guard was submissive by Han Shushu.

I believe that Han Shushu arrived at the Imperial Garden in time because the servants of the Hall of Mental Cultivation were chewing their tongues in front of Han Shushu, right?
(End of this chapter)

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