Chapter 1323 Serving the Sleeper (7)

Han Shushu also laughed when he heard this: "You have a good idea. There are many men who want to marry me. Why should I marry you, a vicious little eunuch? Let's go, remember not to bully Pan Cairen."

She naturally didn't take Xiao Louzi's words seriously, she only thought that Xiao Louzi knew how to joke, even though the joke was not funny at all!
"If the girl doesn't marry the slave, maybe the slave will kill everyone in the world one day!"

At this time, Xiao Louzi's deep and hoarse voice came from behind her.

When Han Shushu heard the words and looked back, he saw a smirk on the corner of Xiao Louzi's lips, and there was a slight smile in his long and narrow eyes, as if he was joking to her.

"With your virtue, if you still want to kill the world, stop dreaming."

Han Shushu shook his head and sighed, he said such arrogant words only because the little Louzi's brain was broken by the little mouse.

If it was Chu Mubai, she felt that that vicious embryo would be able to do such a heartless thing.

As for Xiao Louzi, he doesn't have this ability with his heart, does he?

This time, she still only took Xiao Louzi as a joke.

Lou Jinghong's eyes were as deep as ink, and he watched Han Shushu walk away without turning his head, and whispered silently: "Do you really want to face me when I kill all the people in the world?"

"What exactly does the city lord like about her?" Cheng Hao appeared and asked puzzledly.

Isn't Han Shushu just a little vulgar than ordinary women?He really didn't understand that Lou Jinghong liked her so much.

"Maybe it's because she is Chu Mubai's woman, so I like her. Since I was a child, I have regarded Chu Mubai as a goal to surpass, and I have developed this bad habit unconsciously. Now even the one he likes Women actually feel that they are better than other women.”

Lou Jinghong replied calmly.

He looked at the gel lotion in his hand, thinking about using it once to see if it could remove the old scars on his body.

Cheng Hao followed behind Lou Jinghong, thought for a while and asked again: "Didn't the city lord say he wants to return to Xuantian City as soon as possible?"

Could it be because Han Shushu wants to postpone the return date?
"We'll talk about it in a few days. The palace is comfortable to live in, and we'll leave when we get tired of living there." After Lou Jinghong finished speaking, he entered Chuxiu Palace.

Cheng Hao watched Lou Jinghong go away, wondering if it was because of Han Shushu that he stayed in this ruined palace?
Last night, Han Shushu was in bed. Lou Jinghong is still a treasure for a woman who has been slept with by other men. It's really strange.

If it were him, he would never want a dirty woman.It's dirty even if you look at it more than once!

After Han Shushu left Chuxiu Palace, he returned to Tai Hospital.

As soon as she entered the gate of Taitai Hospital, she felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange.

When she saw two rows of uniform guards standing aside, she knew who it was.

It turned out that Chu Mubai was sitting in the pharmacy, and other imperial doctors were standing beside him. It seemed that the time of standing was not 01:30.

For a moment, whether she entered or not.

She felt that it was inappropriate to go in by herself in this state, or she would come back in a while?

She was about to sneak away, but Chu Mubai raised her lips and said without raising her head, "Where is Han Aiqing going?"

He waited here for half an hour before Shanshan came late. It turned out that she, a little female doctor, was busier than him, the emperor.

Han Shushu Waterfall Khan.

Didn't he not look up? How did he know she was back?
"My minister wants to help the emperor make a pot of tea." Han Shushu replied respectfully.

I don't know if such an answer can calm his old man down.

(End of this chapter)

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