Chapter 1325 A Leg Lift (1)

Han Shushu breathed a sigh of relief, but Chu Mubai turned back suddenly.

He walked up to her, took out a translucent white hosta, and stuck it on her temples.

"Seeing it, I think it suits you. You are not allowed to take it off after you put it on, or I will make you look good!" Chu Mubai threatened, pressed a kiss on her head, and then strode away.

"I'm not allowed to take it, but I'll just take it." Han Shushu took off the hairpin, looked at it carefully, and smiled so hard that he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

She found that Chu Mubai likes to give her this kind of hairpin the most. She also gave a very similar one before, and she broke it.Today's one looks much better than the previous one, and it is also her favorite style.

She couldn't put it down and looked at it for a long time before inserting her hair back on the sideburns and started to get busy with her business.

Near noon, Ling Ling from Ruyi Palace came and said that An Sujing was not feeling well, and asked her to go to Ruyi Palace for a consultation.

Han Shushu naturally didn't want to deal with An Sujing, and since he was a female doctor, she couldn't let her push her back.

"Shu Shu is here, please sit down."

Han Shushu had just entered Ruyi Palace, An Sujing warmly stood up to greet him.

"I heard that my lady is sick, but now it seems that my mother is in good health." Han Shushu avoided An Sujing's touch, and really didn't like dealing with this woman.

Seeing Han Shushu's cold expression, An Sujing didn't take it seriously.

She smiled and said, "I just want to ask you to prescribe a prescription for my body. If I don't tell you that I'm sick, you don't want to come."

"Your Majesty, if you want to drink tonic, you can ask the maids of Ruyi Palace to go to the Imperial Hospital to prescribe it. To be honest, I dare not prescribe prescriptions for your Majesty casually. I'm afraid that there will be something wrong with your Majesty, and people will think that I am harming Your Majesty." Han Shu Shupi replied with a nonchalant smile: "If it's nothing, I'll go ahead."

"Shu Shu, I want to ask, have you met any strange people recently?"

An Sujing simply blocked Han Shushu's way, with spying intent in his eyes.

She wanted to know if Lou Jinghong was close to Han Shushu, so she had a good idea.

Han Shushu just looked at An Sujing coldly, without showing any emotion.

An Sujing asked her if she met any strange people?
What kind of strange people can she meet, the strangest one is Xiao Louzi, the eunuch with a particularly bad temper?

"What do you mean by that?" Han Shushu asked coldly.

An Sujing already had a good set of words, so she whispered back: "When I left the South Courtyard with the imperial concubine last night, I heard she said that she would deal with you. I am afraid that you will be fooled by her. I hope you can grow up as long as possible." Xinyaner. Did you attend bed last night?"

This is what she wants to know too.

She stayed up all night last night, thinking about it all the time.

As long as she thinks of the scene of Han Shushu and Chu Mubai turning up and down, she will be jealous.

"What does it matter to you whether I serve you or not?" Han Shushu staggered away from An Sujing and left like that.

She naturally saw the hopeful light in An Sujing's eyes.It seems that An Sujing's love for Chu Mubai is deeply rooted, and letting An Sujing know that she went to bed last night will definitely irritate An Sujing.

"Anyway, you have to be careful of the imperial concubine, that woman is cruel, you have to be extremely careful!"

An Sujing's shout came from behind.

Han Shushu smiled and walked out of Ruyi Palace quickly.

After Han Shushu left, Lingling went to An Sujing's side and said, "Your Majesty, it's true, why did you remind Han Shushu? It's not a good thing for a noble concubine to deal with Han Shushu?"

(End of this chapter)

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