Chapter 1328 A Leg Lift (4)

Lou Jinghong saw that the back of Han Shushu's delicate skin and tender flesh was torn and bloodshot, his brows furrowed tightly, and he dragged her into the room.

He took out the lotion, wiped her wound once, looked at her delicate face, and said softly: "The girl's hobbies are really strange. If you have nothing to do, run to the tree. Does that tree have a baby that the girl likes?"

Seeing Xiao Louzi treating his wound so carefully and gently, Han Shushu was very moved.

This guy knew at a glance that he really cared for himself, so how could he have bad intentions?
She probably stayed in the palace for too long, so she felt that everyone approaching her had a purpose.

"I just wandered around Chuxiu Palace casually, but for some reason, I walked up a tree as soon as I walked around." Han Shushu giggled.

She laughed when she finished speaking, and wondered if Xiao Louzi would believe her nonsense.

"Did someone say that the girl's brain is not working?" Lou Jinghong glanced at the smirking woman.

Strolling casually, once you reach the tree, it is really a strange flower among the strange flowers.

Such an excuse can be found, who will believe it?

"Your brain is not working well. It's okay, it's just a small injury. You can save this gel lotion and rub it on yourself, and see if it can have some effect." Han Shushu withdrew his hand.

Lou Jinghong seemed to be missing something.

Her little hands were white and tender, like freshly steamed steamed buns, and they felt particularly good, so slippery that he couldn't control them.

Before he had time to feel it carefully, she hid him back.

Watching Han Shushu go away like this, Lou Jinghong felt lost.

If Han Shushu can doubt himself every day, and then monitor himself every day, and stay with him, he must be very happy.

The word "happiness" broke into his mind without warning, and he froze in place.

After Han Shushu left Chuxiu Palace, he suddenly wanted to see Chu Mubai very, very much.

For some reason, it was like taking a stimulant, and he just wanted to run to Chu Mubai immediately to see what he was doing, even just to take a look at him.

Before she could make a good decision, her feet ran uncontrollably towards the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

But when she reached the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she forgot again and hesitated.

Didn't she say to restrain herself? She also said to forbear, why couldn't she hold back.

She just finished bedtime last night, and she can't wait to see him today. Her self-control is astonishingly poor.

After pacing back and forth in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation for a long time, she finally ran in.

It doesn't matter, just take a look at Chu Mubai and leave.

Han Shushu flew into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Because she thought that she could see Chu Mubai, she was so happy that she wanted to fly.

After running into the main hall, she shouted loudly: "Surprise!!"

Then, everyone in the hall turned their heads to look at her, even Chu Mubai who was sitting in the first seat fixed his eyes on her face.

Han Shushu felt a flock of crows flying over his head.

Really, she hasn't done something stupid like this in years.After all, she is already a child's mother, but a mature woman, basically she would not do such stupid things.

Today, she seems to be possessed by an evil spirit, always doing strange things.

It was fine to go to monitor Xiao Louzi all afternoon, but he even ran to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and made a big joke.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she coughed lightly, bowed in a dignified manner, and deliberately lowered her voice: "My lords, my lords!"

Several officials headed by the general returned the salute at the same time, and for a while, the atmosphere became weird again.

(End of this chapter)

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