Chapter 1339 Saving People Becomes Devotion (7)

After all, it was an era when men were superior to women, and female compatriots were always suppressed by male compatriots, especially she was always eaten to death by Chu Mubai.

Han Shushu sighed with emotion, hesitating whether to go to the South Courtyard to see his son, and told him that she was going to send herself to Chu Mubai's tiger's mouth again tonight.

Unexpectedly, before she had time to get off work, Xiao Louzi ran to her in panic: "Miss is not well, the master is gone!"

"What do you mean?" Han Shushu had never seen Xiao Louzi's expression like this, and he became nervous.

"Just an hour ago, the young master asked Zhang Xiaozhu and Li Xiaozhu to go to the Royal Garden to go shopping together. The servants were waiting on the sidelines. It was okay at first, but three quarters of an hour ago, a black shadow suddenly appeared. People took Li Xiaozhu and Pan Xiaozhu away, leaving only Zhang Xiaozhu. Zhang Xiaozhu has returned to Chuxiu Palace at this moment, and the other servants of Chuxiu Palace are looking for someone. So far, Pan Xiaozhu and Li Xiaozhu have not been seen..."

While listening to Xiao Louzi's explanation, Han Shushu went to the garden where Pan Cairen and Li Guiren were kidnapped.

The garden is a bit closer to the Royal Garden, but much more remote than the Royal Garden.

When Han Shushu arrived, he saw a group of palace officials and eunuchs looking for someone near the garden.

Such a major event such as the abduction of concubines in the imperial palace occurred in a place like the imperial palace, which has never happened before.

Who the hell is he who dared to kill the current emperor's woman after eating a leopard.

It's fine if it's just a kidnapping, but if something happens to damage the reputation after being kidnapped, it will be a slap in the face of Chu Mubai.

Because of this, she was anxious.

Regardless of the presence of many outsiders, she used lightness kung fu to find someone near the garden.

Not long after, Chu Mubai rushed to the garden after hearing the news.

When he saw Han Shushu running around like a headless chicken, he stepped forward and twisted Han Shushu in his hand, put it beside him, and ordered softly: "Han Aiqing, stay safe and don't make noise!"

"Your two concubines were kidnapped in the deep palace, what are you talking about, please stay safe?" Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai's expression like looking at a monster.

You know, this is slapping Chu Mubai in the face.

"It's just two concubines. They die when they die." Chu Mubai didn't think so, but he wasn't angry at all.

He is not in a hurry, why is this woman in a hurry?
People who didn't know thought it was her woman who was kidnapped.

This time it was Han Shushu's turn to have nothing to say.

Chu Mubai said that she died when she died, so what else could she say?
But Pan Cairen has a little friendship with her, and she actually likes that delicate and temperamental beauty.Such a great beauty, if she meets a disciple and is about to be trampled by others, what should she do?
After another full hour and a half, I finally got a clue.

Han Shushu rushed to the scene after hearing the news, and saw Pan Cairen and Li Guiren lying unconscious on the ground in disheveled clothes.

Pan Cairen was seriously injured and his life was in critical condition.

Because Li Guiren and Pan Cairen are both concubines in the harem, the matter of treatment was naturally handed over to Han Shushu.

In addition, this matter is of great importance, and the concubines of the harem are humiliated in the back garden of the deep palace, which hurts the national unity and loses the face of the royal family.

Seeing that Chu Mubai also followed Chuxiu Palace, Han Shushu stopped him and said, "It's getting late, the emperor should rest earlier, Pan Cairen is seriously injured and needs some time to heal."

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu with unpredictable eyes.

Is this the way to send him off?

(End of this chapter)

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