The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1341 Emperor's favor: shameless

Chapter 1341 The Emperor’s Favorite: Shame on Your Face (1)

The moment he saw Nangong's gaze fixed on Han Shushu again today, he knew that Nangong's love for Han Shushu had already been deeply rooted.

Everyone has a unique scenery in their eyes. The scenery in Chu Mubai's eyes is Han Shushu and Nangong.

But in Qin Ruyu's eyes, her scenery is the Nangong whom she once loved deeply, and also the Chu Mubai whom she is deeply infatuated with now...

Lou Jinghong could see the subtle expressions of everyone present.

He probably also knew that Han Shushu was a woman who committed a crime in her life.

It's just that the rumors are nothing. When he really saw these men looking at Han Shushu obsessively, he suddenly realized how late he had come.

Han Shushu's love in his previous life was given to Nangong, and his love in this life was given to Chu Mubai.

As for him, he can only get close to Han Shushu wearing a human skin mask, which makes him look sad and pitiful.

Lou Jinghong stayed in the distance for a moment, then left sadly.

Han Shushu was unaware of the turbulent dark tide around her. She sealed Pan Cairen's lifeline with needles and made sure that Pan Cairen was saved, so she ordered the palace staff to take Pan Cairen and Li Guiren back to Chuxiu Palace in an orderly manner. All the disturbances were blocked outside Chuxiu Palace, giving her enough time and space to heal Pan Cairen's injury.

The reason why Pan Cairen's injury is serious is because she suffered serious internal injuries and her inner veins were damaged.

Han Shushu worked for an hour before rescuing Pan Cairen, whose life was hanging by a thread, from the gate of hell.

Pan Cairen's breathing gradually stabilized, his bloodless oval face was still as pale as paper.

In fact, if there is a master with deep inner strength to push the inner strength to Pan Cairen, the healing effect will be better.

If not, it will take longer to get better, and it's not a big deal.

Pan Cairen suffered serious internal injuries, while Li Guiren was raped, with ambiguous marks all over his body.

For a while, she didn't know whether it was Pan Cairen's luck or Li Guiren's luck.

One was seriously injured internally, while the other was defiled and lost his reputation. I'm afraid Li Guiren would think about committing suicide after waking up.

After all, women's reputation in this era is more important than anything else, and there are not many thick-skinned women like her.

After Han Shushu finished his work, it was Yin time.

She was so sleepy that she dozed against the bedpost.

When she felt something was wrong, she saw Li Guiren stepping on the stool, wanting to commit suicide.

There was a flash of sharpness in her eyes, and she swung a few silver needles almost subconsciously.

Bai Leng broke in response, and Li Guiren fell down, barely being caught by Han Shushu.

"You are young, don't you think it's a pity to die like this?" Han Shushu looked at Li Guiren coldly, and restrained Li Guiren's hands with all his strength.

"Let go of me, I don't want to live anymore, what face do I have to live in this world from now on..." Two lines of tears rolled down Li Guiren's cheeks.

She has followed the rules since she was a child, and she also has her own pride.

When she was able to enter the palace to serve the current Holy Majesty, everyone in the Li family was proud of her.

Even after entering the palace, it was difficult to even see Chu Mubai, but she still felt that she had a chance to win the favor.

She is so young and so beautiful, one day Chu Mubai will see how good she is.

But now, not only did she fail to make the family look good, but she also lost the qualification to serve as a bed servant, becoming a stain on the Li family.

If she was sneaked out of the palace, what face would she have to live in this world from now on?What would the Li family think of her?
Thinking of this, Li Guiren wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself as soon as he became cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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