The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1347 Emperor's favor: shameless

Chapter 1347 The Emperor’s Favorite: Shame on Your Face (7)

Asking Xiaozhu to guard the door, Qin Ruyu sat down gracefully.

Li Guiren didn't know what Qin Ruyu wanted to do, so he looked at Qin Ruyu with some embarrassment.

"If you have any orders from the imperial concubine, please feel free to open your mouth." Li Guiren knew that he was far inferior to Qin Ruyu in the position of concubine, so his attitude was very upright.

"Do you know that your reputation is rotten?" Qin Ruyu opened her lips indifferently, her sympathetic eyes fixed on Li Guiren's face.

She checked Li Guiren's details.This Shu is a bit arrogant, and she is a concubine in the Li family.So sometimes Li Guiren's arrogance is a little distorted.And this kind of person is the best to be used.

Li Guiren's face turned pale slightly, lowered his eyelids, and remained silent.

Seeing her like this, Qin Ruyu took the initiative to show her kindness, and took her small white jade hand: "I think you are a poor person, and you were used by Han Shushu without knowing it, so I came here to wake you up."

Li Guiren looked at Qin Ruyu puzzledly: "Your Majesty, did you make a mistake? Lord Han did his best to help me heal last night, and even specially asked the emperor to comfort me. Lord Han has no ill intentions towards me..."

Under Qin Ruyu's compassionate eyes, Li Guiren's voice faded away.

"That's why you have only been in the palace for a short time, and you don't know people's sinister feelings. Regarding your humiliation, it was Han Shushu who spread the word inside and outside the palace. Why did the emperor come to Chuxiu Palace? Healing you and Pan Cairen is on my own shoulders. I just want to use you to seduce the emperor. Think about it, would the emperor usually come to Chuxiu Palace? Han Shushu wanted to see the emperor without a door, so he I found your pawn. No one in the palace knows how powerful that woman Han Shushu is. If not, how could the emperor have only met Han Shushu all these years after he ascended the throne, but the other concubines are not sleeping at all? There is no chance!"

Qin Ruyu saw that Li Guiren's face changed again and again, and continued to preach: "After the emperor came to Chuxiu Palace yesterday, it was Han Shushu who sent the emperor away. Someone saw Han Shushu flattering the emperor at that time. Let me ask a woman who is so shameless, who will be her opponent?"

Li Guiren was in a complicated mood, thinking of the scene when Chu Mubai came to visit her from time to time.

It was rare in her life to have such a close look at Chu Mubai, even Chu Mubai talked to her, she couldn't mention how happy she was at that time.

She just thought, if she could stay by Chu Mubai's side all the time in this life, how great would it be?

"Hasn't the emperor always treated Mr. Han differently? Mr. Han can't make use of me..."

Even though he said so, Li Guiren still became suspicious.

Maybe Chu Mubai liked him and wanted to visit him, but he was taken advantage of by Han Shushu later.

"My palace just saw that you were kept in the dark, and I couldn't bear it for a while, so I said a few more words. In fact, the emperor is cold and heartless. Is there any woman who really walks into the heart of the emperor? To the emperor, women are also It's just a tool for inheriting the heirs. None of us are as clever as Han Shushu, and with that woman Han Shushu around, we can't get close to the emperor. This palace has long seen through. Perhaps only one day Han Shushu Shu Shu was trampled by other men, or his face was ruined, so we have a chance to get close to the emperor."

As Qin Ruyu spoke, he sighed again, told some right and wrong, and paid attention to Li Guiren once more, and then left gracefully.

She knew that Li Guiren was moved by her words.

(End of this chapter)

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