The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1353 Terrible Beams: Punish Vicious Women

Chapter 1353 Terrible Beams: Punish Vicious Women (5)

Han Shushu remembered that when he dealt with Qin Ruyu just now, he just used a small trick to make Qin Ruyu feel so miserable. Why couldn't she continue to study when she had time?

She might be able to poison her naked, which would be powerful enough.

She was just thinking, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky, if one day she is really ambushed by some powerful master, and then all the poisons that can be used on her body are searched, how will she save herself at that time.

People still need to have a sense of urgency, which is always good.

Soon she thought of a good method, she could stick a thin layer of mucous membrane on her back, which looked exactly like the skin, but in fact it was highly poisonous.

As for the needles that she may need at any time, they can be placed in the hairpin.

In the following time, Han Shushu devoted all his thoughts to "heretics". The more he studied her, the more fun and interesting he found it, and he himself had a great time playing it, and the time passed quickly.

Compared with Han Shushu's contentment, Chu Mubai's side was obviously much more boring.

Looking at the piles of memorials in front of him, he felt bored and bored.

He didn't feel this way before, but now he only finds it interesting when he is with Han Shushu.

He thought of Han Shushu's pretty face with a lingering smile when he poisoned Qin Ruyu with needles, and he thought it was funny even when she was ruthless.

Chu Yun had a panoramic view of Chu Mubai's expression from the side.

It was obvious at a glance that Chu Mubai was thinking about that woman Han Shushu.

"Could it be that the emperor is tired, do you want to invite the girl over to help the emperor see a doctor?" Chu Yun carefully tested Chu Mubai's meaning.

Chu Mubai was about to nod, but he remembered Han Shushu's ferocious look when he was administering the needle, so he immediately stopped the thought.

If that woman knew that he was pretending to be sick, she might deal with him like Qin Ruyu.Even if he is the emperor, that girl is neither big nor small.

Thinking about it carefully, that girl has become a lot more courageous recently, she dared to kill Qin Ruyu under his nose, is she sure that she will turn a blind eye?
Chu Yun kept secretly watching Chu Mubai's expression.

At this moment, seeing Chu Mubai smiling foolishly by himself, he couldn't help grinning the corners of his lips.

As long as his master is happy, he, the subordinate, will also be happy too.

"Your majesty, the girl from the lowly position came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation?" Chu Yun still didn't dare to be careless, and asked cautiously.

Chu Mubai was dazed, he shook his head and replied: "The trick of pretending to be sick is old, think about it again and find a new way."

This made Chu Yun very tangled.In terms of scheming, he is far inferior to Wanxin and Anxin.

Perhaps women are more talented in this regard.

Soon, both Wanxin and An Xin came to Chu Mubai.

Wan Xin pushes An Xin forward, letting An Xin speak.

"The emperor has been on the throne for many years, the palace has not held a flower viewing festival, but today a temporary flower viewing festival will be held for all the female family members in the palace to participate. If this is the case, the girl will have to be sent to the emperor's clutches ——No, even a girl has no choice but to flatter the emperor." An Xin almost said it out of her mouth, but finally rounded up her words abruptly.

"At this hour, the Flower Appreciation Festival?" Chu Mubai snorted coldly, what bad idea did he come up with?

Even if it's a flower viewing feast, it's too ridiculous, it's almost dark.

"The Flower Appreciation Festival can be held in two days. It's getting dark, so let's hold a Lantern Appreciation Banquet." Wan Xin hurriedly interrupted.

(End of this chapter)

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