Chapter 1358 Meat to the mouth (2)

In the end, Chu Yun risked beheading and boldly advised Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai was slightly taken aback, his thin lips were pressed tightly together, and he remained silent.

Seeing Chu Mubai's expression, Chu Yun knew there was something going on, and hurriedly said: "Yesterday, the gangsters just took people away in the palace. Today, this girl fell in love..."

This time before Chu Yun finished speaking, the wine cup in Chu Mubai's hand shattered.

Before everyone knew what happened, they felt that Chu Mubai, who was sitting in the first seat just now, had disappeared.

Then, the Lantern Banquet ended inexplicably in the middle, before the results were even announced.

Under Chu Mubai's instruction, everyone secretly searched for Han Shushu's trace.

Lou Jinghong consciously took Han Shushu to a secluded place, just wanting to delay Han Shushu for one night, so that she could not go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to serve her bed.

But when he heard that there were suddenly many masters with profound inner strength around him, he knew that it was the dead soldiers secretly cultivated by Chu Mubai who came to look for them.

If Chu Mubai's people see his existence, his identity will be exposed.

"Girl, it's enough for the servant to rest here for a while. Miss, go back to the South Courtyard. If someone asks why the girl left the star-chasing platform just now, the girl must not mention the name of the servant. This will bring about the death of the servant, you understand?" Lou Jinghong firmly grasped Han Shushu's warm palm.

Such small hands are so warm that it breaks his heart. He really wants to bring her into Xuantian City and hide her under his wings.

He was also afraid that she would hate him, so he hesitated to take this step.

He is afraid that one step will be wrong, and every step will be wrong...

"I know it's serious, don't worry, I won't say anything. Are you sure you're better?" Han Shushu worriedly took the pulse of Lou Jinghong again, and when he found that his pulse had calmed down, he felt quite Surprised.

This is how the same thing?The pulse, which was still chaotic before, suddenly recovered?

"It's much better, this servant will go back to Chuxiu Palace, girl, please go slowly." Lou Jinghong said, and left without looking back.

He walked calmly, looking like he was okay.

Han Shushu couldn't figure it out.

Where did this little Louzi come from, a strange character who always does strange things.

Just as she was feeling emotional, suddenly a few expressionless men in black appeared in front of her.She quickly recognized that these men in black were dead men secretly cultivated by Chu Mubai. Are these people looking for her?

Soon, Chu Mubai received the message, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Han Shushu who was standing there stupidly.

He calmed down his excitement, walked slowly to Han Shushu, and asked in a deep voice, "Why did you leave halfway?!"

Seeing Chu Mubai's ferocious appearance, Han Shushu shrank back, a little afraid.

His eyes looked like he was going to eat her alive, and if she didn't have a good answer, she would definitely suffer.

She hesitated for a while, and felt that it would be safer to use bitter tactics.

"I, I'm not feeling well, and I didn't dare to spoil the emperor's interest, so I just wanted to come out to get some air..."

As soon as she spoke, Chu Mubai hugged her horizontally, and she subconsciously put her arms around his neck: "The emperor, where is the emperor taking the minister?!"

"Didn't you say you were feeling unwell? Of course, you should go see an imperial doctor!" Chu Mubai gave Han Shushu a "you're an idiot" look.

Only then did Han Shushu know that Chu Mubai had believed her nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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