Chapter 1364 Meat to the mouth (8)

After Chu Mubai took a bath, he hugged the sleeping little Yuanbao in his arms, and went straight into Shuzhai.

Han Shushu just got on the couch. After hearing the sound, he looked towards the source of the sound.

Seeing that Chu Mubai came to her side with Yuan Bao, he was a little surprised.

This is……

"Tonight, our father and son will sleep with you." Chu Mubai said and put the little guy on the innermost side of the bed, Han Shushu nestled in the middle, and he lay down on the outside.

Han Shushu was placed in the middle by Chu Mubai and his son. Looking at Xiao Yuanbao and the man beside him, the previous gloom disappeared without a trace.

The dead are dead, and the living should be happier.

The two people she loves the most in this life are by her side, what reason does she have to be sad for spring and autumn?

It is important to grasp the happiness in front of you, because no one knows what will happen in the next moment.

She is really much happier than too many people.

Thinking about Chu Mubai's harem of three thousand, he only hopes to see Chu Mubai more every day.

But she has the opportunity to lie on the same bed as Chu Mubai. What a blessing this is?

"What are you thinking?" Chu Mubai just lay down, and Han Shushu's body crawled over.

Looking at the corners of the woman's grinning lips and slightly squinting round eyes, it is far and far away from the dying look before.

Wanxin was right, this woman likes him and Xiao Yuanbao the most.

I don't know whether she likes Xiao Yuanbao more or him more.

"I just think it's good to be alive." Han Shushu nestled on Chu Mubai's chest and sighed contentedly.

Chu Mubai slightly tightened the hand holding her slender waist.

What a woman who is easy to satisfy, as long as she lives.

Why didn't she want to think about how to completely hold him in the palm of her hand?
Even Yuan Bao is smarter than her, but she still doesn't act.

Take today's Lantern Festival as an example.Knowing that there were so many women staring at him, she threw him into the pack of wolves at a critical moment.

If he really summoned other concubines to sleep in a fit of anger, let's see how she will cry!
"If I call other concubines to bed tonight, will you still guard me?" Chu Mubai probed in a low voice.

Han Shushu giggled when he heard this, which made Chu Mubai feel that he asked a ridiculous question.

This dead girl, his question is so ridiculous?
"The emperor will not!" Han Shushu replied firmly.

Anyway, she just knew that he would not touch a woman other than her. No matter how beautiful or beautiful the other party was, she still felt that Chu Mubai would defend her body.

Maybe it's because I've been with him for too long, and I know how deserted he is.

"How do you know that I can't?" Chu Mubai looked at the woman who had been burrowing into his arms.

Did she really treat him like a log?

Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to control yourself, so you want her?
"I just know." Han Shushu said with a smile: "Actually, this is pretty good. Your Majesty, why don't we just live like this for the rest of our lives."

She likes getting along like this, likes that Chu Mubai loves her rationally, and also likes that he dotes on her from time to time.

What is a woman planning in her life? Isn't she meeting a person she likes and that person likes herself, and finally having children for that person, and guarding and accompanying him for the rest of her life.

"You like an unknown woman who just does this?" Chu Mubai frowned.

There are such strange women in this world.Who doesn't want to be able to favor the harem and ascend to the position of queen of God.

She had such an opportunity, but she didn't know how to grasp it.

As the emperor, he should actually be satisfied with her knowledge, right?

(End of this chapter)

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