The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1366 The Emperor's Heart, Seabed Needle

Chapter 1366 The Emperor's Heart, Sea Needle (2)

The general received this message early in the morning, and all civil and military officials congratulated him. The general himself felt a little confused, so he simply went to Fuyun Palace to ask Chu Qiao if it was true.

Bisheng Chu Qiao shirked that she was unwell and didn't want to see him as a father.

The general waited for a full hour, and finally he was sure that his daughter didn't want to see him.

He walked out of the palace with a heavy heart. On the way, he met many court officials congratulating him, and he answered the words with a smile...

The south courtyard also got the news early in the morning, Xiaocao and Qingxin didn't dare to let Han Shushu know about it.

Until Han Shushu was about to leave the South Courtyard, Xiaocao had no choice but to stop Han Shushu's way and said, "You were frightened last night, so why don't you rest in the South Courtyard today?"

What are you going to the hospital for at this time?
Han Shushu pushed Xiaocao away angrily: "I'm not that expensive. I slept very well last night and felt very energetic."

Xiaocao was a little worried for a while.

What should I do, let Han Shushu leave the South Courtyard, and let her hear a lot of gossip?

At that time, I really fell out with Chu Mubai, so what should I do?
Han Shushu was about to leave the south courtyard, when she saw Xiaocao looking at her worriedly, her brows jumped slightly, she turned back to Xiaocao and asked, "What happened?"

Xiaocao's eyes flickered, she didn't dare to look at Han Shushu.

Han Shushu's face darkened: "If you have anything to say, just tell me directly. How big can the harem be? Can the paper cover the fire?"

Xiaocao lowered her head again.

Han Shushu saw it in his eyes, turned around and wanted to leave, Xiaocao finally had no choice, and said to her back: "Everyone in the harem is saying that Shisan called Chu Qiao to bed last night!"

Han Shushu paused, looked back at Xiaocao, his eyebrows tightened.

"I, I went to find Wanxin, but Wanxin refused to say anything." Xiaocao's voice became weaker and weaker.

That's why she was worried.

Normally, as long as this kind of thing happened, Wanxin would definitely rush over to report it immediately.But now, it's just the opposite, and that's why she's uneasy.

Han Shushu was stunned for a while, thinking of the warm time with Chu Mubai last night, he felt dazed.

"Shu Shu, don't scare me. If you are unhappy, tell me directly. Let's not go to the Tai Hospital today and take a day off, can't we?" Xiaocao said hastily.

Han Shushu stood stupidly for a while, and then said: "I didn't run the Taiyuan Hospital. If you say rest, you can rest. Others will say that I am playing big cards. I am fine. By the way, take good care of Yuanbao, and don't let him leave you. line of sight, you know?"

Seeing her like this, Xiaocao was so anxious that she didn't know what to do.

Is Han Shushu angry, or does she not take it seriously? Why can't she understand what Han Shushu is thinking?
Han Shushu looked too calm, did he not take this matter to heart at all?

Xiaocao lost her size for a while, but in the end she turned back to Shuzhai and stayed by the couch of the sleeping little guy.

After Han Shushu left the South Courtyard, he saw many courtiers talking.

Seeing her coming, everyone pretended to be indifferent.

She also pretended that she didn't hear anything, and before she arrived at the imperial hospital, she saw a tall eunuch in front, who seemed to be waiting for her.

"Xiao Louzi, are you waiting for me?" Han Shushu walked slowly to Lou Jinghong's side and asked.

Lou Jinghong was indeed waiting for Han Shushu.He also heard the gossip about the palace. Will this woman be sad if she likes Chu Mubai so much?
(End of this chapter)

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