The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1368 The Emperor's Heart, Seabed Needle

Chapter 1368 The Emperor's Heart, Sea Needle (4)

Now that things have happened, Lou Jinghong no longer knows how to deal with Han Shushu.

This woman treats him wholeheartedly and treats him as a friend, but he is deliberately trying to get close to her.

If one day she knows the truth, will she not want to be friends with him anymore?

"Of course it's true. Can it be fake? I'll send it to you when I make the gel cream. During this time, you have to take good care of Pan Cairen. She is weak and needs to be recuperated. Don't you Bully her."

Han Shushu gave some more instructions worriedly, and then left the Chuxiu Palace under the attention of Lou Jinghong.

As a result, she just went to the vicinity of Zhitai Hospital, and saw Qin Ruyu and Nangong standing together. They didn't know what to say, they seemed to be arguing.

Seeing her appear, Qin Ruyu rushed over quickly, and said sarcastically, "Huawu is red for a hundred days. Han Shushu, how does it feel to fall from the clouds?"

"Will you die if you don't speak?" Nangong immediately blocked Han Shushu behind him, and looked at Qin Ruyu coldly.

Seeing this, Qin Ruyu was even more jealous.

It's very good, even without Chu Mubai's protection, Han Shushu still has Nangong as a spare tire.

"King Xiaoyao, it seems that you want to pick up the worn-out shoes that the emperor doesn't want. There are not many men with a big heart like you in this world. Today, I am so open-minded!"

Qin Ruyu's sentences are sarcasm.

Nangong looked coldly at Qin Ruyu's distorted face: "You should really look in the mirror and see your distorted and hideous face. May I ask, is there any man in this world who would fall in love with a femme fatale like you?"

"Why, this palace made you unhappy by talking about your little lover? Isn't it just a stinky watch that is ridden by thousands of people—"

Nangong's next slap made Qin Ruyu dizzy.

Her face quickly became red and swollen, and the corners of her lips were bloodshot, and she looked at Nangong in disbelief: "You, you dare to hit me, who gave you the courage?"

Nangong pinched Qin Ruyu's neck with a palm, and a bloodthirsty coldness flashed in his eyes: "This king not only hits you, but also dares to kill you! If you don't know how to advance and retreat, this king will make your life worse than death."

As soon as he exerted his strength, he threw Qin Ruyu out, and Qin Ruyu fell to the ground in embarrassment, not only shaking his feet, but also spraining his waist.

And she could only watch helplessly as Nangong sent Han Shushu to the Imperial Hospital as a flower protector.

Xiaozhu watched from afar, not daring to approach Qin Ruyu at all.

At this time, she timidly stepped forward and helped Qin Ruyu up. Qin Ruyu was so angry that he had no place to vent, so he slapped her hard.

Xiaozhu covered her face aggrievedly, not daring to speak.

"Why didn't you, a slut, protect me when I was being bullied? What's the use of keeping a waste like you?!" Qin Ruyu slapped Xiaozhu's face again.

Xiao Zhu took another solid slap, and resentment flashed in her eyes.

She had had enough of this kind of life, and she didn't want to serve Qin Ruyu, a poisonous scorpion woman.

But she is just a little court lady, so how can she have any room to speak for herself?
Xiao Zhu looked enviously in the direction of Tai Hospital.If she intercedes with Han Shushu, will Han Shushu rescue her from Qin Ruyu's poisonous grasp?
"Baby maid, follow up!" Qin Ruyu's roar interrupted Xiaozhu's fantasy.

She hurriedly stepped forward to help Qin Ruyu, and escorted Qin Ruyu back to Yincui Palace...

Tai Hospital.

After Nangong followed Han Shushu into the imperial hospital, he lowered his eyes and asked, "Don't take that crazy woman's words to heart."

(End of this chapter)

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