Chapter 1376 Change of body for official (2)

Han Shushu gets everything a woman wants, that's why Han Shushu is damned!
Time passed very slowly, and about half a quarter of an hour later, another strong man fell into a pool of blood and never opened his eyes again.

Everyone didn't expect that Li Guiren won in the end. It has to be said that Li Guiren was the most ruthless one, who was able to escape from the jaws of two strong men.

When Li Guiren crawled out of the iron cage covered in blood, many concubines couldn't help but vomited aside.

"Take this slut down, save her life, and give him a punishment. Maybe some people don't know what a punishment is, they chop off Li Guiren's limbs, goug his eyes and deafness, cut his tongue and disfigure his face. in this way."

Chu Mubai looked at the silent hall: "I don't know if my concubines enjoyed watching this scene tonight."

No one dared to say anything, all the beauties were trembling with fright, and they didn't dare to look at Chu Mubai at all.

Li Guiren ended up in such an end, it would be better to die.

It really is the heart of the most ruthless emperor.But the king in front of him was ruthless.Piansheng was born so handsome, when these words came out of his mouth, it felt like a spring breeze, but it made people tremble with fear.

I can only be thankful that the person who ended up like this was fortunately not me.

In the end, everyone left the Hall of Mental Cultivation with limp hands and feet. Even though they could no longer smell the blood in the air, they still couldn't get over the shock of the blood just now.

Han Shushu's hands and feet were also a little weak. She managed to straighten up, but staggered again and fell back to her original position in embarrassment.

"Aiqing, are you satisfied with this ending?" Chu Mubai's eyes fixed on Han Shushu's pale lips, and he narrowed his deep eyes slightly.

Han Shushu pursed his lips lightly and remained silent.

Can she say dissatisfied?If he really said it, would Chu Mubai give her another fright? !

It's not that she sympathizes with Li Guiren's fate, it's just that Chu Mubai's ruthless tactics still can't make her calm.

Maybe everyone thought Chu Mubai's play was made for everyone in the harem to watch, but she felt that it was Chu Mubai venting his anger.

Chu Mubai must be angry with himself for such a scene to come out.

She finally straightened up and wanted to leave the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but Chu Mubai said in a cold voice: "I promise you to go?"

Han Shushu kept complaining, calmed down his expression, and then said respectfully: "What is the emperor's order?"

Chu Mubai just looked at her coldly, which made her scalp tingle.

This is what I want.Just say what you want to say, can't you let her go if you have nothing to say?
As a result, after a quarter of an hour, Chu Mubai went directly to the inner hall without saying anything.

It's not that Han Shushu is going, it's not that if he doesn't go, she looked at Wanxin begging for help, and Wanxin shook her head at her: "Until the emperor gives the order, the girl should stay in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, just stay overnight in the West Pavilion tonight."

Han Shushu only nodded.

After all, what Wanxin said makes sense.

Chu Mubai still didn't get angry after all the hard work tonight, it must be because she has a lot of opinions on her, no matter how stupid she is, she doesn't dare to make trouble at this time.

So, still be obedient.

"Miss hasn't eaten yet? The servants are going to prepare it. In fact, the emperor didn't eat anything at the end of the day." Wan Xin's last words made Han Shushu's heart tighten slightly.

She looked at Wanxin, Wanxin was not as talkative as before, after sending her into the inner hall, Wanxin went to work.

(End of this chapter)

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