The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1394 You just ate me to death!

Chapter 1394 You just ate me to death! (10)

Chu Mubai was just here to make trouble for her.

Han Shushu snatched the spoon and said in a low voice, "I come by myself. The emperor is a busy person, so let's go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to review the memorial."

Stop playing with her.

The first half month was not enough to play with her, making her the laughing stock of everyone in the harem.Now she has to establish a few powerful enemies by her side. Does this mean that she will not stop until she plays to death?
This time Chu Mubai didn't fight with Han Shushu again, he just sat opposite Han Shushu, watching her drink the soup intently.

In the past, she would smile when she drank the soup he stewed, but now she doesn't smile anymore. Is it because the taste is bad?

he asked without confidence.

Han Shushu didn't know the taste, so he nodded silently: "It's delicious."

If she said it wasn't delicious, maybe he would make the soup for her again.

Chu Mubai lightly pinched Han Shushu's little face, his brows and eyes were tinged with a smile: "I will make soup for you again that night."

Han Shushu choked up when he heard this, because Chu Muzhe was too close to her, and the soup stains from her mouth sprayed on Chu Mubai's face.

She hurriedly shrank her body back, turned her back to Chu Mubai, and pretended to be dead to the end.

She poured all the stew into her mouth as fast as she could, and her stomach was bloated after drinking it, just for Chu Mubai to disappear and make her quiet.

"So good." Satisfied, Chu Mubai wiped off the soup stains from the corners of her lips with his cuffs, and then pointed to the soup stains on his face that Han Shushu sprayed just now: "Should Aiqing reciprocate?"

Han Shushu has one head and two big ones.

Report Lee ass.

She wiped Chu Mubai's face vigorously with her cuff, wishing to destroy this face so as not to harm the world again.

Chu Mubai was very satisfied with this strength.

Looking at the vivid beauty in front of him, he wondered why he was so stupid and didn't say a word to her for half a month.

Seeing her so close now, I feel that I haven't looked at her carefully for half a month, and she looks more beautiful than before.

Seeing Chu Mubai staring at his face all the time, Han Shushu reminded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, hurry back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

Stop setting up a bunch of enemies for her.

It was with great difficulty that she got rid of Li Guiren's opponent, and within a few days of her birthday, when Chu Mubai showed his face in the imperial hospital, she had four more enemies.

She was worried about any of the four new beauties in the Imperial Hospital. Even Shi Xiuyu, who seemed innocent, she felt that she had to be vigilant.

Now she is sure that these four beauties are more or less jealous of her.

The person who likes Chu Mubai more will be the one who hates her more!
"Aiqing won't see me off?" Chu Mubai said without getting up.

Han Shushu was very straightforward this time, cupping his hands and said, "This minister sent the emperor out of the imperial hospital."

After she finished speaking, she ran out of the pharmacy by herself.

Regardless of whether Chu Mubai followed or not, she quickly ran out of the Tai Hospital and waited quietly for Chu Mubai to come out.

Chu Mubai seemed to be deliberately teasing her, but it took a full quarter of an hour before he walked out of the hospital with graceful steps.Seeing his virtue, Han Shushu was furious.

However, due to her status, she still said in a good voice: "Your Majesty, don't come to the Tai Hospital anymore."

"Why can't you come and walk around?" Chu Mubai disagreed.

The entire palace belongs to him, and so do the people in the palace, and this woman belongs to him even more.

Where does he want to go?
"Because the emperor is a busy man, he is the king of the country. What does it sound like to go to the imperial hospital with a cup of soup when you have nothing to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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