Chapter 1399 A disagreement, kiss (5)

After all, Chu Mubai doesn't need to hang out in Tai Hospital often, but she has to work here for a long time.

Han Shushu didn't want to be treated like a monkey by his colleagues every day when he entered the hospital.

"Aiqing's thin skin is not a matter of a day or two. Don't worry, I am not a hard-hearted person. For the sake of Aiqing's admiration for me, I will only treat Aiqing wholeheartedly in the future." Chu Mubai said, with tender eyes Tenderness, that's what it looks like.

Only Han Shushu saw the narrow smile in his eyes.

Damn it, this stinky man was just playing with her, because she didn't do what he wanted, so he got annoyed and used this method to deal with her.

This man is really small-bellied, the dirtiest stingy man in history!

Han Shushu was so angry that he was dying, but he had nothing to do with Chu Mubai.

If he doesn't play enough this time, he probably won't let her go, right?

As for the many spectators in the main hall, except for the four new beauties, most of the rest have an attitude of watching a show.

After all, few people have such a blessing that they can see such a tender side of the current emperor.

It is said that the current sage is ruthless, heartless, and desperate, but this person in front of him is so tender and tender, and he also has someone he loves.Although the woman who won the favor may not be so perfect, it can make Chu Mubai show the warmth that ordinary people have.

As for the new beauties, I feel bad.

Zhao Fei'er was the most impatient.Her emotions were the most obvious, she almost rushed to Han Shushu and pulled Han Shushu off Chu Mubai's lap.

Chu Mubai is the husband who brought her here, how can he love Han Shushu, a vicious woman?

"The emperor really loves Shushu." Qin Changting sighed from the side, thinking that the girl Han Shushu is a fool and she is lucky to meet a perfect man like Chu Mubai and get his wholehearted support. cherish.

Her big truth hurt the hearts of several beauties even more.

They all wanted to enter Chu Mubai's harem, but they couldn't get in, so they could only live under Han Shushu's door, hoping to find a shortcut to break into Chu Mubai's harem from the imperial hospital.

Unexpectedly, it was only the first day after entering the palace, and I saw the scene of Chu Mubai being kind to Han Shushu.

It was like waiting for a sharp wound to be drawn on the apex of their eager hearts, bleeding profusely.

They really wished that God would suddenly open his eyes and take Han Shushu, a witch, so that they would not come to harm their wise and mighty emperor.

In fact, there is another group of people who are entangled, and that is Feng Jiaban who was ordered to perform skills temporarily.

The emperor only looked at the beauties in front of him and didn't look at them. Do they still want to perform?

Chu Yun over there also saw everyone's thoughts, coughed lightly and reminded: "Your Majesty, can the acrobatics start?"

Chu Mubai didn't look at the lobby at all, just said "um", and looked at Han Shushu intently.

No matter how thick-skinned Han Shushu was, she couldn't stand the torment of Chu Mubai's straightforward eyes. She tried not to make contact with Chu Mubai's eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I want to watch acrobatics, can I get up and watch?" ?”

Lying like this is outrageous, ah, outrageous.

"Aiqing, tell the truth first, do you admire me very much?" Chu Mubai played with Han Shushu's beautiful hair, smiling lightly and hooking his lips.

Han Shushu really wanted to kick Chu Mubai directly.

She naturally heard that Chu Mubai was threatening her.

(End of this chapter)

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