Chapter 140 Playing with Human Heads

"My sister came just in time. It's like this. The prince saw that my sister lived in a remote place like the South Courtyard. He was afraid that my sister would be too lonely, so he ordered the younger sisters to come and be with her. No, the weather is fine today, so the younger sisters will come together moved here."

The green shirt walked up to Han Shu, twisting her waist and swinging her hips, with a seductive smile.

"The south courtyard is small, there is no room for all of you, so go back to me." Han Shu hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

Where there are many women, there are many right and wrong. If these women live in the South Courtyard, will this place become a market in the future?
Qiu Shisan has always liked to be quiet, he must not like being surrounded by so many women.

Everyone pretended not to hear Han Shu's words, and chose a dormitory they could live in on their own.

Green Shan directly chose a side room in the main courtyard, which was closer to Han Shu's dormitory.

As for the other concubines who couldn't be named, they each chose a place in the side room.

Han Shu couldn't drive these women away anyway, he was so tired that he was out of breath.

What is Qin Huai going to do? Is it to let the green shirt come here to monitor her every move?
The question is is it necessary?She would not join Qin Zhuiyue behind Qin Huai's back, Qin Huai's move was completely unnecessary.

Seeing a bunch of Yingying and Yanyan in the normally deserted and quiet South Courtyard, Han Shu got a little dizzy, so he simply ran back to his bedroom and chatted with Qiu Shisan.

"There are so many people at once, I'm afraid they will disturb you."

Han Shu expressed his hidden worries.

It doesn't matter if you argue with Qiu Shisan, but Qiu Shisan has a bad temper. If he gets upset and cleans up all the women in the south courtyard, wouldn't blood flow like a river?
"It's good to let them stay here for a while. Cailian has just returned to the palace. Miss must not be used to it. Let them accompany her for entertainment."

When Qiu Shisan said this, he never took his eyes off the military book in his hand.

He could hear the commotion outside clearly, and he didn't drive people away because he was afraid that Han Shu would be lonely.

"Thirteen, don't let people hear your words, or I will definitely be punished." Han Shu lowered his voice when he said this.

She's not afraid of things, she just doesn't want to cause too much trouble.

"Miss, whoever doesn't like it, just shoot it, don't worry about it. If the lady likes someone's head, Shisan can also serve the lady, and take it off for the lady to play with."

Qiu Shisan said and glanced at the stunned Han Shu.

Han Shu imagined that he was playing with a human head in his hand when he had nothing to do, and couldn't help shivering.

Just kidding, she's not a pervert, what's the point of playing with the head?
Only Qiu Shisan spoke of such a bloody incident calmly. In his eyes, human life is like worthless, isn't it?
"I don't want to play with heads. I warn you, don't kill people lightly. It's over, I will have indigestion tonight." Han Shu pushed Qiu Shisan to the side of the bed as he said, and wanted to lie down for a while.

Today I was quite frightened, so I had to sleep to suppress the fright.

She was just about to lie down, when Lushan suddenly ran in, and when she saw the situation in the dormitory, she was startled: "What are you going to do, sister?"

"Naping, of course!" Han Shu gave Lv Shan an idiot expression.

"But Mr. Qiu is a man, and my sister is the princess of Nanyang, how can they share the same bed?" The green shirt almost couldn't lift it up, and was terrified by the woman Han Shu.

"Do you know that Thirteen is an eunuch?" Han Shu asked with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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