Chapter 1414 Damn Goblin (1)

Xian'er was most afraid that her face would be ruined, and Chu Yingchen would not come out to help her.

Qin Changting has always been disliked by Chu Yingchen.This woman was not favored when she married into the palace, but she occupied the position of princess for three years.

She really wanted to pull Qin Changting down from the position of concubine and let her sit.

She thought today was the best opportunity, why didn't things go as she imagined?
Xian'er sobbed softly, tears dripping down the corners of her pure white lips together with the blood on her lips.

This time, Chu Yingchen finally made a move.

He entered with graceful steps, Xian'er was overjoyed, thinking that Chu Yingchen would finally uphold justice for her.

How could he know that Chu Yingchen sat down beside Qin Changting without looking at her directly.

He took some vegetables and put them into Qin Changting's bowl, with a faint smile on his face.

Qin Changting gave Chu Yingchen a puzzled look, still unable to figure out what this man was thinking.

Shouldn't he fight for his concubine at this moment and reprimand her severely?Why at this moment, when his concubine was being beaten into such a horrible state by her, he could still laugh?

She wasn't sure what Chu Yingchen was thinking, so she looked up at Nanny Rong.

Nanny Rong shook her head at her, signaling her not to add fuel to the flames and make Chu Yingchen unhappy.

Qin Changting didn't think so.

She couldn't be kind to Chu Yingchen, anyway, she had already made up her mind that there would be him without her.

She was about to ask Chu Yingchen to take Xian'er away, when Chu Yingchen opened his lips first: "Why are you getting angry with a bitch. If you don't like her, just throw her out of the palace."

Xian'er, who was waiting to see a good show, looked at Chu Yingchen in disbelief. How could Chu Yingchen say such heartless words?

This morning, Chu Yingchen was still talking to her, although it was neither hot nor cold, but among all the concubines in the palace, she thought she was outstanding in appearance, and she was also very much loved by Chu Yingchen.

How could this man say such heartless words?

Not to mention that Xian'er herself was unwilling to believe this fact, even Qin Changting thought he had heard it wrong.

She stared at Chu Yingchen with wide beautiful eyes, and wanted to ask him if he had taken any wrong medicine.

Seeing her stupid look, Chu Yingchen laughed softly. He pinched her cheeks lightly, and then said: "There are plenty of fun in the house. If you think she can make you happy, it's okay to keep her. If you think she annoys you, It doesn't matter if you just abandon the military prostitute, or throw it into the flower house..."

Qin Changting's jaw dropped again in shock, his small mouth could not be closed from ear to ear for a long time.

After a while, she found her own voice, and said cautiously, "Chu Yingchen, you don't have a fever, do you?"

Could it be that his brain was burnt out to say such nonsense?

"It seems a little bit. Aren't you studying medicine? Help me test my body temperature." Chu Yingchen said, grabbed Qin Changting's jade hand and placed it on his forehead.

Qin Changting believed it was true, she carefully touched Chu Yingchen's forehead, and then touched her own forehead.

Doesn't seem to have a fever...

When she saw the smile flashing across Chu Yingchen's eyes, she immediately became angry from embarrassment, and pulled back her hand forcefully: "What are you doing to tease the princess?!"

Damn it, she really thought he was sick.

How could she forget that this is not a good person.

"Because you are fun." Chu Yingchen suppressed a smile.

It looks unrestrained, but it is actually simple and pure.There are no less than twenty beauties in his house, none of them are as easy to deceive as Qin Changting.

(End of this chapter)

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