Chapter 1418 Damn Goblin (6)

Han Shushu froze, and turned to look at Chu Mubai. When she saw his sweaty handsome face and eyes as deep as midnight, her heart trembled slightly.

KAO, this dead man is too sexy, he looks very attractive.

It took her a while to find her own voice: "Chu Mubai, what do you want to do?"

It's just over, it won't come again, at least let her rest for a while before continuing.

"What did Aiqing say I want to do?" Chu Mubai sank into her body again while speaking.

The two groaned at the same time, enjoying this skin-to-skin feeling very much.

"You, you promised only four times a month..." Han Shushu's voice was a little unsteady, like a kitten scratching at Chu Mubai's heart, his heart itched uncontrollably.

He bit her slender neck, and said in a hoarse voice: "It takes one night at a time, Aiqing, enjoy my love..."

Han Shushu's face changed again and again, thinking that he was bluffing himself.

When she got up from the dragon bed the next day with a sore back and back pain, she realized that Chu Mubai was not joking.

This time, he really used her body all night.

She shouldn't doubt his ability in this area, no, it's her who suffers.

Fortunately, I made an appointment early, and I only slept four times a month.

Although she sometimes enjoys this kind of thing, but in the end, it is really tiring.

"The emperor really treats the girl..." Wanxin smiled from ear to ear seeing all kinds of ambiguous marks on Han Shushu's body.

Han Shushu pretended not to see anything, she quickly wrote a prescription and handed it to Wanxin: "You follow this prescription and get me the medicine, I want to take a medicinal bath."

She had to take a hot bath to wash away her tiredness.

I didn't sleep all night last night, and I have to go to the Tai Hospital to work today.If she doesn't treat herself well, no one will pity her.

"The emperor ordered the servants to prepare the medicinal bath long ago, there is no need for the girl to do anything extra." Wanxin ordered someone to carry the bathtub in while she was speaking.

Han Shushu was at a loss for words.

Even Chu Mubai has a conscience.

She took a warm bath comfortably, changed into a set of dry clothes, and asked, "How are Chu Yun and Xiaocao?"

"Don't mention it, Chu Yun has never tried to leave the emperor for such a long time. He didn't return last night, and he is still in the south courtyard today." Wanxin said and smiled: "In my opinion, Chu Yun is Don’t you like Xiaocao? Knowing that Xiaocao is going to marry, Chu Yun lost his soul, right?”

"Is there even a need to ask? It means that idiot Chu Yun doesn't understand what's on his mind. Let him get involved in this matter. If you force him again, he will never escape Xiaocao's grasp again."

Han Shushu said cheerfully, his eyes full of calculations.

"What is the girl going to do to force her?" Wanxin asked curiously.

"Simple, create opportunities for Xiaocao and Lu Qing to be alone, and let Chu Yun know that he is not the only man in this world. If he doesn't want to admit that he likes Xiaocao, Xiaocao will marry someone else. Then he will cry It's too late!"

Han Shushu gave Wanxin a look of "you are stupid".

Wan Xin nodded again and again, and felt that only this method could make Chu Yun understand her own heart.

After leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Han Shushu went to Tai Hospital.

Along the way, I met many palace people, and everyone saluted her respectfully as soon as they saw her.

Although everyone was like this before, but today they look very respectful. Is this something that happened that she didn't know?
(End of this chapter)

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