Chapter 1420 Damn Goblin (8)

"I'm not happy because Yuan Bao will be the target of public criticism. Fortunately, that kid is smart, and I hope he can live up to everyone's expectations." Han Shushu replied calmly.

Qin Changting nodded thoughtfully, then heaved a long sigh, only to feel a mass of depression in his chest.

"What's the matter with you girl today?" Only then did Han Shushu see that Qin Changting had something on his mind.

Qin Changting was worried that she couldn't find anyone to talk about, so she looked around to make sure there was no one, so she said in a low voice, "Last night, Qin Changting went to my Chang'an Pavilion to rest, and occupied my bedroom, what do you mean? Did he have some conspiracy?"

Han Shushu was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Qin Changting for a while, then suppressed a smile and replied, "Of course. What kind of conspiracy can a romantic prince like him have if he comes to approach you on purpose?"

It's very interesting that Qin Changting hasn't gotten the hang of it yet.

Chu Yingchen is also a difficult master, with deep scheming, Qin Changting is straightforward, but he is an innocent little white rabbit who has not yet enlightened.

You can't let Qin Changting get enlightened too early, you have to grind Chu Yingchen well first, it's best to make Chu Yingchen unable to live without Qin Changting.In this case, Qin Changting will have someone to rely on for the rest of his life.

That's why she didn't wake up Qin Changting.

Men, the less they get, the more precious they feel. I hope Chu Yingchen will do the same.

"That's right, it's impossible to suddenly find out that this princess looks like a fairy, and be fascinated by this princess." Qin Changting squinted his eyes and smiled, suddenly enlightened.

Why bother with a flamboyant lord?
What she has to do now is to study medicine well, and she will have her own career in the future, and be respected like Han Shushu.

Shu Shu said that a woman can't just live by relying on a man.

Han Shushu watched Qin Changting go away, shook his head and laughed.

What a naive child.

Naturally, a man would not approach a woman for no reason, let alone stay overnight.If you say you don't touch this woman during your stay, you must cherish her.

Thinking about it, Chu Yingchen still had feelings for Qin Changting, otherwise, he wouldn't have endured three years without making a move on Qin Changting.

It seems that there will be interesting things in the future, and it will be very fun.

As soon as she entered the big pharmacy, Zhao Fei'er rushed to Han Shushu, raised her eyebrows and raised eyebrows at her: "Han Shushu, what kind of tricks did you use against the emperor?"

To make Chu Mubai obey this woman!
Han Shushu didn't look at Zhao Fei'er, and went to the side to write the question.

Zhao Fei'er didn't want to let Han Shushu go, and kept arguing on the sidelines.

Han Shushu endured for a while before looking at Zhao Fei'er: "If you say one more word, I will deduct [-] points from you!"

Zhao Fei'er was so angry that her eyes turned red, but she couldn't resist Han Shushu's judgment.Now Han Shushu's mother is more expensive than her son, and she is the biological mother of the current prince. What kind of honor is this?

Now she felt that she couldn't compete with Han Shushu.

After all, the three thousand in the harem are no match for a single Han Shushu, so what will she use to compete with Han Shushu?
At this moment, Zhao Fei'er was a little disheartened...

South Court.

Xiaocao slept until dawn, and the moment she opened her eyes, she saw Chu Yun standing in front of the couch.

Judging by his stupid appearance, one could tell that he hadn't slept all night.

How could there be such a wooden man in this world?

If you have anything to say, you can ask her directly, but why do you still stay with her all night like this.

After she washed up, she said in a low voice, "You are the first-rank bodyguard with a sword in Shisan, so don't you care about his safety?"

Chu Yun's bloodshot eyes finally gained some popularity, and he remembered Chu Mubai, the master he had served for many years and never left his side for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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