Chapter 1426 Shred Her Innocence (7)

Qin Changting's beautiful eyes were still stained with crystal tears, and her nose was red from crying. Seeing Han Shushu smiling like this, she was stunned, her face turned blue for a while, then white for a while, then red for a while, and her expression was quite brilliant.

Han Shushu finally stopped laughing, she hugged Qin Changting tightly, and kissed her on the cheek out of love.

But after the kiss, she was depressed, because Chu Mubai and Chu Yingchen came here at some point.Seeing them like this, they seem to have stood there for a while.

That is to say, they listened to both of their conversations?
Seeing that Chu Mubai's complexion was a bit dark, and Chu Yingchen's complexion was even darker.

When Han Shushu saw that the evil beasts had arrived at the scene, he couldn't control Chu Mubai's still black face, so he laughed again.

Qin Changting belatedly realized that there was someone behind her, and when she saw the Chu brothers were there, her face turned red like a pig's liver.

She had no face to stop, and ran away with strange steps.

Han Shushu naturally saw Qin Changting's strange posture when he was running. She wiped away her tears with a smile, then swayed to the dark-faced Chu Yingchen, and joked: "You know that she has never had an affair, why can't you just a little bit?" How about being gentle? No wonder he calls you a beast..."

Before Han Shushu could finish speaking, Chu Mubai suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her aside.

"What are you doing?" Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai whose handsome face was tense.

That's right, Qin Changting was not the only one who suffered last night, she was also rolled by Chu Mubai for several hours.

Today she hasn't lost her temper with him yet, but he's good enough to flirt with her early in the morning.

"You are a woman, how can you talk to a man like this? Are you such a frivolous woman?" Chu Mubai asked coldly, clasping Han Shushu's wrist tightly.

Han Shushu laughed instead of anger when he heard this: "It turns out that the emperor always thought that I was a very reserved woman. Sorry, I have always been so frivolous!"

After she finished speaking, she shook off Chu Mubai's hand vigorously, turned around and ran into the Tai Hospital.

Chu Mubai's face was dark and his eyes were fierce.

Damn Han Shushu, his temper is even bigger than that of the emperor, and that woman is not paying attention to him more and more.

He thought of the conversation between Qin Changting and Han Shushu just now, and he felt a headache.

All along, he thought that all he had to do was guard against men and Han Shushu.

I just found out today that women also have to be careful, especially Qin Changting, the two of them have already gotten to know each other to such an extent.

He turned back to Chu Yingchen, and said in a cold voice: "Prince Regent, take care of your woman, don't harm my woman!"

Chu Yingchen's heart is also quite tangled, and he also has the same concerns.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will discipline Chang Ting and keep her away from Shu Shu!" Chu Yingchen replied in a low voice.

Even if Chu Mubai doesn't confess this matter, he will keep a close eye on Qin Changting.

"Can you call Shu Shu?" Chu Mubai looked at Chu Yingchen with cold eyes.

He didn't call it that, how dare Chu Yingchen?
Today, I feel more and more that Chu Yingchen and his wife are not good people.

Chu Yingchen was at a loss for words immediately, "Your Majesty has taught you the lesson. From now on, I will keep Changting away from Mr. Han."

Chu Mubai snorted coldly, then flung his sleeves and left.

After walking for a while, he was even more unhappy when he saw that Chu Yun was still stupidly standing there.

Recently, none of the people around him listened to the teaching, and even Chu Yun, who didn't need him to worry the most, was out of his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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