The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1433 Reversed: The woman turned upside down

Chapter 1433 Reversed: The woman turned upside down (5)

Abi then applied medicine to Qin Changting's injured leg, and arranged a place for Qin Changting.

Abi also said that her son was not an enthusiastic person.She was saved this time because of her good luck.

Qin Changting believed this.

Looking at Lou Jinghong's appearance, one could tell that he really seemed like someone who did great things, not like someone with a kind heart.But Lou Jinghong still saved her and helped her find the real culprit who wanted to kill her.

After Abi left, Qin Changting was about to take a rest, but Lou Jinghong entered the bedroom, looked at her absent-mindedly, and didn't speak.

This made Qin Changting's heart pound.

What are you looking at her like that for?Could it be that Lou Jinghong fell in love with her beauty and wanted her to be Mrs. Yazhai?

In fact, such an outstanding man is much better than that flamboyant Chu Yingchen.Chu Yingchen finds a beauty to sleep with every day, and she also wants to wear a green hat for Chu Yingchen.

"I saved you, don't mention it to anyone, including the people closest to you." Lou Jinghong said, still staring at Qin Changting absent-mindedly.

He wanted to look for Han Shushu's shadow in Qin Changting. Although they had similar temperaments, they didn't look alike.

Although they are very good friends, they are not always the same person.

Suddenly, he really wanted to go back to the palace to have a look at Han Shushu.It was only when he saw Qin Changting that he remembered that he hadn't seen Han Shushu for a while.

"Changting, rest here for a night before returning to the Prince Regent's Mansion. Let Chu Yingchen worry about you. From now on in the Palace, you need to be careful. If you have any difficulties, you can report to the Crane Tower at any time. I still have something to do, so go ahead!"

After Lou Jinghong finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Qin Changting Zhang Er was puzzled, he didn't understand why Lou Jinghong treated her so well, could it be because of her good looks?

If this is the case, Lou Jinghong would leave as soon as he said, wouldn't it seem like he was infatuated with her?
After thinking about it, she still couldn't think of a reason, so she planned to have a good sleep.Let's talk about the future...

Qin Changting slept soundly in the Crane Tower, but he didn't know that Chu Yingchen ordered people to go to war in the capital.

Especially when he found the carriage, there was no one in it, and he was even more anxious.

He didn't dare to imagine what would happen to Qin Changting, let alone imagine that Qin Changting would just leave like this and never look back.

Seeing that the sky was getting bright and there was nothing to be gained, Chu Yingchen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

In that room, Qin Changting slept peacefully, holding three scarred men by the hand, yawning as he walked.

The martial arts of the man in black was abolished, and each of the two wretched men had one hand cut off. It looked miserable, but she felt that these people were not miserable enough.

If she hadn't kept the three witnesses, she would have stabbed the three of them to death to avenge herself.

When the guards of the Regent's Palace saw Qin Changting, they were both surprised and happy, and rushed forward to greet him: "See the princess!"

Qin Changting was yawning, he waved his plain hand and said, "Excuse me!"

Others were busy reporting to Chu Yingchen.

The moment Chu Yingchen saw Qin Changting from a distance, his eyes were a little stinging, and he came to Qin Changting in an instant.

Qin Changting felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he was hugged tightly by someone.

This person smells very familiar, of course it is Chu Yingchen, the King of Flowers.

She frowned in displeasure, and said coldly: "Chu Yingchen, let go of this princess!"

Chu Yingchen was not willing to let go, he wished he could rub the woman into his body, and the two of them would never be separated again.

(End of this chapter)

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