The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1435 Reversed: The woman turned upside down

Chapter 1435 Reversed: The woman turned upside down (7)

"You must help me, no matter what, I don't want to meet Chu Yingchen again."

Whenever Qin Changting saw Chu Yingchen's face, he would think of what happened to him last night, which made her terrified.

"Okay, let's discuss this matter from a long-term perspective, and don't rush it for a while. You stay in the palace temporarily and stay with me, and no one will hurt you anymore, understand?" Han Shushu embraced Qin Changting again.

This girl has never experienced hardship since she was a child, so she was naturally quite frightened when she encountered such a thing this time.

After half an hour, Qin Changting regained his composure and entered the pharmacy.

No wonder Shu Shu said that relying on men is worse than relying on oneself.If she hadn't been lucky enough to meet Lou Jinghong last night, she couldn't imagine what would happen to her now.

I never thought it was important to study medicine before.But in a battle like yesterday, if she had the ability to protect herself, she wouldn't be powerless to fight back.

Therefore, medical skills must be learned well.

There was never a moment when Qin Changting was sure of what he was going to do.

After two days in a row, Qin Changting's tense emotions finally eased, and because Han Shushu, mother and son, accompanied her at night, she gradually felt a sense of security.

It's just that occasionally I still have nightmares, dreaming that a few men pounce on her and try to rape her.

After waking up from the nightmare and seeing Han Shushu and Yuanbao lying beside her, her heart finally settled down.

After Chu Yingchen entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he dragged Chu Mubai to drink, not only in a bad mood, but also very uneasy.

He was afraid that Qin Changting would suddenly not want him and would divorce him.

The culprit of this is of course him.If he hadn't raised so many beauties in the palace, how could he be in today's situation?
The more Chu Yingchen thought about it, the sadder he became, and the more he drank, after a few pots of wine, his consciousness became a little confused.

"The emperor will help the minister no matter what this time, and cannot let Chang Ting divorce the humble minister. The minister is the regent, if he is divorced by a woman, isn't it slapping the emperor in the face?" Chu Yingchen became more and more excited as he spoke, grabbing Hold Chu Mubai's hand and said.

Chu Mubai withdrew his hand in disgust.

How could he care about Chu Yingchen's housework now?I haven't seen Han Shushu for several days.

Except for the first two days when Han Shushu would come to Yangxin Hall to look for him, she never came again. Maybe she has already forgotten him by now?

The original intention was to be a more competent emperor, but the ending was not satisfactory.

So, women are troublesome things!

Abandoned, reluctant.It's too obsessive, and it's not decent.

It's not happy anyway!

"Your majesty must save me. I married her with great difficulty and consummated the house. She can't leave me at this moment..." Chu Yingchen was already drunk, and embraced Chu Mubai's neck excitedly. up.

Chu Mubai really couldn't tolerate a big man hugging himself so tightly and talking, so he finally pushed Chu Yingchen away.

At this time, Wanxin rushed forward excitedly, and said to Chu Mubai with a smile on her face, "Your Majesty, the girl is asking to see you outside!"

Chu Mubai's eyes lit up when he heard this, he was about to rush out to pick up someone, and then remembered that he was the emperor, it seemed embarrassing to be too eager.

So he put on a pose and said: "Pass!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Wanxin joyfully ran out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation and went to pick her up in person.

Seeing Wanxin coming, Han Shushu knew that Chu Mubai was finally willing to see her, so he was not very happy.

"Girl, the emperor has a favor." Wanxin grinned at Han Shushu with a wide smile.

(End of this chapter)

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