Chapter 1439

Wanxin is like a treasure, and suddenly sees a smile on Chu Mubai's brows and eyes.

"How could I like such a woman?" Chu Mubai shook his head and laughed.

It feels unbelievable, but it also feels natural.

Perhaps it was because of Han Shushu like this that he couldn't stop.

"Didn't she make a robe for me last time? It's a big deal, I'll make one for her too." Chu Mubai said and got up.

Wanxin looked at Chu Mubai's back in disbelief.

A character like Chu Mubai actually made clothes for a woman?Is this wrong?
"Go to the clothing bureau and find a tailor to teach me." Chu Mubai turned his head and glanced at Wanxin who had been petrified in place, shook his head and walked away.

From his point of view, the people in the Hall of Mental Cultivation are getting more and more stupid, and you can tell they are not smart just by looking at them.

For the next two full days, Chu Mubai did not take half a step out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.In other words, Chu Mubai did not go to the morning court for two consecutive days.

The emperor, who has always been diligent in government and caring for the people, did not go to the early court. This incident shocked the court and the public.

So all court officials tacitly asked Chu Yingchen to lobby Han Shushu, and asked Han Shushu to persuade the current emperor not to neglect the government.

Chu Yingchen couldn't ask for it, and he was worried that he would not find a chance to meet Qin Changting.

How could he miss the opportunity that came to him now?

That day, it was confirmed that Han Shushu and Qin Changting had returned to the South Courtyard, and he also followed the South Courtyard. He pretended to meet Han Shushu, but in fact Han Shushu and Qin Changting were together.The person he wants to meet is of course Qin Changting.

When Qin Changting saw Chu Yingchen, his face changed slightly: "What are you doing here, get out!"

"The king came to look for Shu Shu." Chu Yingchen replied softly, signaling Qin Changting to be safe and not to make noise.

If it wasn't for fear that Qin Changting would hate him even more, he would simply do it directly and screw Qin Changting home.

Qin Changting didn't believe Chu Yingchen's words. She kept a close eye on people, fearing that Chu Yingchen would poison her.

Until Chu Yingchen went to sit down beside Han Shushu, he ate his meal on his own, as if the South Courtyard was his home.

Han Shushu and Qin Changting looked at each other, and felt that this man surnamed Chu was disgusting.

Chu Yingchen ate elegantly, shaking his head while eating: "The taste is very ordinary!"

"Tell me, what are you doing in the South Courtyard?" Han Shushu looked at Chu Yingchen coldly.

Seeing Chu Yingchen, she thought of Chu Mubai, who was also unpleasant.

If Chu Mubai doesn't want to see her, does she want to see Chu Mubai?She doesn't care about that weird man, she is also ambitious, okay?

"Shu Shu, don't blame me for your resentment against the emperor. The emperor didn't go to court early in the past two days, and everyone asked me to be a peacemaker. I hope you can persuade the emperor to put state affairs first. The emperor has I haven't stepped out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation for two days. If this continues, the emperor will become the king of subjugation, is this what you would like to see?" Chu Yingchen said, but his gaze was fixed on Qin Changting's face superior.

I haven't seen her for a day, but I always feel that this girl is three points more beautiful, which makes him feel itchy.

Qin Changting stared at him with sharp eyes, this apprentice, look again, she gouged out his eyeballs.

Chu Yingchen lifted his lips and smiled at Qin Changting, showing his white teeth: "Changting, you look good again, you look like a flower."

Qin Changting forgot for a moment that he was vomiting with Chu Yingchen, and she replied arrogantly: "This princess is naturally beautiful!"

Han Shushu coughed lightly when he saw the two of them flirting in front of him.

From her point of view, all lobbyists are fake, and Chu Yingchen came here for Qin Changting.

(End of this chapter)

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