Chapter 1448

What Han Shushu was referring to was naturally the maid on duty at Yincui Palace.

Before that, all the palace people dared not enter the dormitory to serve, probably because they were afraid of being tortured by Qin Ruyu, otherwise they would not have stayed so far away.

Because the emperor Chu Mubai was staring at him, Qin Ruyu could only pretend to be stupid: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Han Shushu smiled and did not continue.

After all, if one group of Yincui Palace's palace people left, there must be another batch. If it wasn't Xiao Zhu and the others, it would be other palace people who would suffer at Qin Ruyu's hands.

What can a little court judge say?
After all, it is Yincui Palace's housework.

Before leaving, Han Shushu quietly stuffed a bottle of wound medicine into Xiaozhu's hand.

Xiaozhu hides carefully, not daring to say anything.

After walking out of Yincui Palace, Han Shushu buried his head and walked forward sullenly.

Seeing that she was unhappy, Chu Mubai asked puzzledly, "Are you sympathizing with Xiaozhu?"

It's just a palace man, and it's not a pity to die.

"Don't the emperor feel that Xiao Zhu is very pitiful? He met such a cruel master." Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai and asked.

Chu Mubai's expression was as usual, and he replied in a low voice: "It's just a palace man, if he dies, he dies."

Han Shushu frowned and looked at Chu Mubai.She also knew that this man was a person with a cold nature, but when she heard him say this, she still felt cold all over.

Is it just a palace man?Palace people are not human anymore, so they deserve to be humiliated and beaten every day?
She doesn't like such an unkind Chu Shisan at all!
"Why are you walking so fast?!" Chu Mubai followed Han Shushu leisurely.

She was faster, he was faster, she was slower, and then he was slower, always keeping up with her pace in due course.

Just looking at her hurried back, you can tell that she is angry.

Did he say something wrong?In this world, the weak prey on the strong, and only a benevolent woman like her can sympathize with those weak.

I really don't know why she is so angry, as long as she is not the one who gets hurt and suffers, isn't that all right?

Han Shushu ran for a while, but still couldn't get rid of Chu Mubai.

She simply turned back to Chu Mubai and asked, "If I were Xiaozhu and was beaten and scolded every day, do you think it is not a pity for a person like me to die?"

Chu Mubai frowned slightly, but remained silent.

"Standing and talking doesn't hurt your back. You are not Xiaozhu, not everyone has the same fate as you, and not everyone can become a king. Isn't it right to be the target of being fished if you can't become a strong one? Ridiculous!!" Han Shushu stared at Chu Mubai viciously, and said after a long time: "Chu Mubai, I hate you!"

After she finished speaking, she ran away without looking back.

Chu Mubai froze in place.

This dead girl hates him because of a useless little maid?

There are so many weak people in the world, if she has to sympathize with everyone, isn't she too busy?
When Han Shushu returned to the Imperial Hospital, he saw Chu Mubai waiting leisurely at the gate of the Imperial Hospital.

He is dressed in brocade clothes, his face is like a crown jade, and his posture is lazy, what a beast in clothes!
Han Shushu proudly raised Qiaozhi's chin, hummed softly, and walked into the Tai Hospital.

Seeing the girl's delicate appearance, Chu Mubai flicked her pink and tender cheeks, but she roughly slapped her away.

At lunch time, Chu Mubai and Han Shushu entered the south courtyard.

The girl still ignored him, and when she saw him, she acted like a very flirtatious little girl.

During the meal, Chu Mubai squeezed and sat down beside Han Shushu: "Shushu, I want to eat the food you brought."

(End of this chapter)

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