The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1469 Don't engage in extramarital affairs

Chapter 1469 Do not engage in extramarital affairs (3)

"Xiaocao, I will impress you one day, and I will do what I say." Lu Qingyun said hoarsely.

From now on, he will advance his official career.

Xiaocao is Chu Mubai's closest relative. Only when he is a big enough official can he be worthy of Xiaocao.

I only hope that by that day, Xiaocao is still unmarried.

Before leaving, Lu Qingyun looked at Chu Yun.

He knew this first-rank guard with a knife, and he was also Chu Mubai's personal servant.Xiaocao and Chu Yun face each other day and night, and the only person he fears is Chu Yun.He was afraid that Chu Yun would abduct Xiaocao before he could make a big splash in his official career.

Lu Qingyun left the south courtyard with a heavy heart, his mind was full of Xiaocao's figure.

He didn't know why that girl broke into his heart like this.Now that I think about it carefully, I'm afraid that when he first saw Xiaocao, he would have fallen in love with that girl.

He originally had a chance to get her, but he gave up this chance by his own life.

Lu Qingyun was distracted frequently until someone blocked his way.

He looked at the other party and saw Shi Xiuyu standing not far in front of her.She was still elegant and dignified, and he was familiar with her appearance, but he would never be moved by this woman again, and he lost his sense of control.

It was Xiaocao who led him out of Shi Xiuyu's spell, no matter whether he had a chance to get Xiaocao or not, Xiaocao was kind to him.

"Qingyun..." Shi Xiuyu plucked up the courage to approach Lu Qingyun, her beautiful eyes were full of affection, and she couldn't take her eyes off Lu Qingyun.

When Lu Qingyun saw her before, his peach blossom eyes were dazzling and full of evil emotions, but now his calm appearance no longer has the passion of the past.

Whether she wants to believe it or not, it seems that Lu Qingyun no longer has feelings for her.

Why does her heart hurt so much that she can't let him go?

"From now on, we will each work towards our own goals. You try to stay in the imperial hospital and become the emperor's concubine. My goal is to be the prime minister. From now on, you and I will not meet in private again, we I don't want to invite gossip."

After Lu Qingyun finished speaking, he wanted to leave.

Shi Xiuyu hurriedly grabbed his arm, tears dripping down her face: "Qingyun, I know I was wrong, give me another chance, okay?"

She used to think that he was not motivated and was unwilling to enter the officialdom.Now he is finally willing to enter the officialdom and claims to become the prime minister of the dynasty.However, he didn't want to look at her again.

Lu Qingyun turned his eyes to look at Shi Xiuyu with teary eyes.

In the past, he was reluctant to see her suffer a little bit of grievance, let alone see her cry.But now, his heart is so calm that there is no ripple.In the end, his heart went far.

He brushed away Shi Xiuyu's hand and pursed his lips softly: "Miss Shi, we can't go back. In my heart, there is no place for you..."

The mist of tears blurred Shi Xiuyu's vision and blurred Lu Qingyun's tall figure.

She growled at his back: "Lu Qingyun, do you like that bitch Xiaocao that much?!"

Lu Qingyun paused, turned back to look at Shi Xiuyu, with a cold smile: "If you dare to insult her again, I will kill you!"

Shi Xiuyu's delicate body trembled slightly, and she looked at the strange man in front of her in disbelief.The same face, yet so indifferent.He actually threatened to kill her because of a palace man?

She clenched her fists tightly, her eyes glowing with bone-thirsty hatred.

She not only wants to humiliate Xiaocao, but one day, she also wants to kill that bitch.

(End of this chapter)

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