The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1487 My woman is very precious

Chapter 1487 My woman is very precious (3)

So when Han Shushu took the medicine and went to Chuxiu Palace in the afternoon, someone immediately spread the news of Han Shushu's going to Chuxiu Palace to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Chu Mubai left political affairs and immediately went to Chuxiu Palace.

In fact, when Chu Mubai dispatched the imperial guards to Chuxiu Palace in the morning, Lou Jinghong discovered something was wrong.

Looking at Han Shushu's concentrated expression on decoction, he felt that it was almost time, so he hid it.

Not long after, Chu Mubai came to the other garden where Pan Cairen lived.

When they saw Chu Mubai coming, Pan Cairen and Han Shushu were startled.

Especially Pan Cairen was very flustered and confused, afraid that Chu Mubai would find Lou Jinghong's trace.

"Thirteen, are you here to see me?" Han Shushu quickly recovered and asked with a smile.

She found that Lou Jinghong had disappeared.

That's right, since Lou Jinghong dared to sneak into the Chuxiu Palace, he must have planted his eyeliner in the palace, and must have hidden it immediately.

Chu Mubai took Han Shushu's little hand, which was covered with stove ashes.

How could his woman serve others so wholeheartedly?

His displeased eyes fixed on Pan Cairen.

Pan Cairen fell to his knees in fright, not daring to look at Chu Mubai.

"In the future, Pan Cairen's body will be taken care of by other imperial doctors in the Imperial Hospital. You don't need to worry about it." Chu Mubai said, and was about to pull Han Shushu away.

Han Shushu kept complaining, and looked back at Pan Cairen.

"Thirteen, are you jealous of Pan Cairen?" Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai's tense handsome face with a smile.

She is sure that this man is arrogant, and she will definitely not admit it.

Sure enough, Chu Mubai immediately darkened his face when he heard this: "I will be jealous of a woman? You are out of your mind!"

"Just pretend. If you're not jealous of Pan Cairen, why wouldn't you allow me to take care of Pan Cairen? Obviously, you still don't admit it!" Han Shushu smiled and pinched Chu Mubai's waist: "You Just admit it, I won't laugh at you!"

"I told you, I'm not jealous!" Chu Mubai glared at Han Shushu fiercely.

Ridiculous, he would be jealous of a woman?The absurdity of the wild world!

"In order to prove that you are not jealous, I don't think you need to forbid me to take care of Pan Cairen's body. After all, she is a concubine in the harem. It is not good for other imperial doctors to walk around her bedroom frequently. I should take care of it." Pan Cairen's body." Han Shushu said with a straight face.

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu coldly: "My word is an imperial decree, and you cannot say no!"

"But you can't be unreasonable—" Seeing Chu Mubai's ugly face, she withdrew her hand: "Okay, you are the emperor, and you have the final say on everything. Even if you make trouble out of no reason, you are right ,All right?"

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu's back, feeling very uncomfortable.

How could Han Shushu get mad at him because of a woman?Apart from being able to see people with his face, how can Pan Cairen compare to him?
He never thought that one day he would rob Han Shushu with a woman, this is unscientific!
When he found that he actually used Han Shushu's usual vocabulary, he smiled wryly.It seems that he is poisoned by the Chinese and Korean Shushu too deeply!
Chu Mubai sighed for a while, but still caught up with Han Shushu, grabbed her arm, and brought her back into his arms with all his strength: "You are my woman, you are very precious, what qualifications does Pan Cairen have? Want you to serve?"

He couldn't bear to let her suffer, but Pan Cairen dared to let Han Shushu do such hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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