Chapter 151
Everyone still suspected that it was Qiu Shisan's murderous hand. No matter how Han Shu explained this point, everyone didn't believe it.

However, Qiu Shisan, an idiot, doesn't mind this kind of crime being placed on him...

Qin Huai walked out of the south courtyard, still so angry that his throat was smoking.When he thought of Han Shu and Qiu Shisan hugging each other in disheveled clothes, he wanted to kill that pair of dogs!
"Will the prince just let Qiu Shisan go like this? Judging by her humble position, the princess is also very passive, and is always restrained by Qiu Shisan..."

Before Zhang Huwei finished speaking, Qin Huai glared at him.

"She's called passive? According to this king, she is eager to live together with Qiu Shisan! It's not enough to provoke Qin Zhuiyue, and even the eunuchs are not spared. There is such a flirtatious woman in the world!"

Qin Huai hit the tree next to him hard with his palm, wishing that the tree in front of him was Han Shu's bastard.

"My lord has this misunderstanding because he cares about the concubine. The humble officer can see clearly that everything is caused by Qiu Shisan. Don't forget, the lord, the role of the concubine is very important. At this moment, it is not appropriate to tear yourself apart with the concubine. "

Zhang Huwei reminded from the side.

"She has already torn face with this king! Didn't you not see her arrogance just now, she didn't take this king seriously at all. Which man is not three wives and four concubines? She thought that this king married her, so she could only guard her. Can't she be a woman?"

Qin Huai let it out, and Taotian's anger seemed to subside gradually.

Zhang Huwei is right, it is not yet possible to completely break up with Han Shu.

He moved the women in the mansion into the south courtyard just to create a chance to get together with Han Shu.He should find a way to get her body and let her return to his embrace, this matter cannot be missed.

Today, Qiu Shisan was indeed fanning the flames, fearing that the eunuch had already seen through his intentions, so he deliberately got close to Han Shu in front of him.

"The prince can lower his posture for the time being, and don't care about it like the princess. Since the princess wants to get the prince's special favor, the prince will give her the special favor. When the princess has no use value, the prince wants to give up or kill her." It’s all right.”

"Your words are reasonable. No matter what, great things are done without regard to trivial matters, but this king has thought of a way..."

Qin Huai's eyes suddenly brightened, and he suddenly thought of a way to get close to Han Shu.

An hour later, Han Shu heard the news that Qin Huai had also moved into the south courtyard, and lived in the bedroom in the green shirt, which was very close to her.

She and Qin Huai had already broken each other, and Qin Huai didn't seem like a man of capacity, so why did he move into the South Court instead?
The palace is so big, full of pavilions and pavilions, and luxurious everywhere, which one is not more suitable for nobles to live in than the South Courtyard?

If you want to come to her territory, do you want to take revenge on her?
Han Shu was unhappy, and neither was Qiu Shisan.

He drove Qin Huai away unexpectedly, and Qin Huai changed his attitude so soon...

YouQi went to the dining room, where Qin Huai grandiosely took away his seat that originally belonged to him.

Qiu Shisan glanced coldly at Qin Huai who was sitting next to Han Shu, and saw that the man was always greeting Han Shu, but the woman seemed to be very useful.

The coldness in his eyes is getting stronger!
Qiu Shisan was unhappy, and Han Shu was actually not at ease.

When Qin Huai came back again, she seemed to be a different person. Not only was she gentle and polite, but he also took good care of her. He rewarded her with a bunch of jewelry and silk, and she smiled tenderly in front of so many people...

 It turned out that everyone who went to school and went to work was watching it. I was so touched. Fortunately, I sometimes secretly wrote like a thief when I went to work.

(End of this chapter)

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