Chapter 1517 Sleeping Agreement (4)

Isn't this also a helpless move?Only this kind of Fang Chen has the opportunity to get close to Chu Mubai.

The hateful thing is, seeing that she is about to succeed, why does this woman, Han Shushu, come out to do bad things again?
Chu Mubai had endured it for a long time, and when he saw Han Shushu approaching, he frivolously kissed Han Shushu's face indiscriminately.

This is the smell of Han Shushu, he thought about it for several days.

His consciousness was a little confused, and he didn't know if the drug was too heavy, and his vision was a little blurred.

Han Shushu pushed Chu Mubai away with great difficulty, and seeing that he didn't have focus in his eyes, he knew that he was seriously ill.

Sniff carefully, not only Zhao Fei has the fragrance of enchantment, but also the fragrance of all kinds of enchantment in the air.

It's so good, so many people drugged Chu Mubai.Looking at the faces of the many women present, there is also a hint of spring, which makes people feel ridiculous.

It can only be said that the creature Chu Mubai is too scarce, and everyone can't find a way to get close to Chu Mubai, only soldiers are in danger.

Instead of dying alone in the harem, he might still have a chance to win the favor if he gave it a try.

Han Shushu was preoccupied, and Chu Mubai, who was groping around her, was about to leave, but Qin Ruyu barely blocked her way: "Han Shushu, you are so brave! Dare to take care of the emperor's housework, who gave you the right?!"

"Returning to your mother, I will ask the girl to come and see the emperor. The emperor is now insane and has been poisoned by love drugs. Only the girl can cure the poison!" Chu Yun stepped forward, stood in front of Han Shushu, and replied softly road.

Qin Ruyu's face changed again and again.

It's that damn bodyguard again.Every time it was Chu Yun who was helping, but Chu Yun was Chu Mubai's valet and Chu Mubai's most trusted person.

With Chu Yun around, the others did not dare to raise any objections and could only watch Chu Mubai being taken away by Han Shushu.

Qin Ruyu gritted her teeth with hatred.

Seeing that Chu Mubai's piece of dragon meat left, the other concubines left Chuxiu Palace one after another after they were more or less drugged.

An Sujing followed behind Qin Ruyu unhurriedly, looking at Qin Ruyu's distorted face, she smiled and said, "I thought the concubine was so smart, but she was also played around by the emperor."

Qin Ruyu turned her eyes to An Sujing after hearing this, and asked coldly, "What do you mean?"

An Sujing laughed again: "The noble concubine has not realized that this is a game set up by the emperor to attract Han Shushu's attention?"

How could this woman in the harem be so stupid?

I remember that Chu Mubai also used this trick to attract Han Shushu's attention last time.After that, Chu Mubai took the opportunity to let Han Shushu sleep with him.

Coincidentally.This time, I heard that Chu Mubai had left Han Shushu in the cold for a few days. I thought the two had a quarrel, and Chu Mubai wanted to save face, so he repeated the same trick to trick Han Shushu again in this way.

Qin Ruyu's complexion changed again.This time, she was indeed obsessed with ghosts and didn't notice the strangeness.

According to Chu Mubai's temperament, how could he hold a banquet for no reason?

What's more, Chu Mubai's martial arts attainments are so deep that he has just entered Chuxiu Palace, so he must have discovered the fragrance of fascination on everyone.

What Chu Mubai wanted was for the concubines to drug him, so that he would have an excuse to get close to Han Shushu.

"The noble concubine is a sensible person, and she understands everything! The emperor has achieved his goal at this moment, and this time he thinks about it, he will have another turn with Han Shushu."

(End of this chapter)

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