Chapter 1520 Sleeping Agreement (7)

"I am the emperor, and if I order you to serve the bed, you must serve the bed. If you dare to say 'no', I will take your head!" After Chu Mubai finished speaking, he was about to leave the bedroom.

This woman always has a way to make him angry, very capable!

Han Shushu hurriedly rushed to the bed, hugging Chu Mubai's thigh excitedly: "Boss, give me a way out!"

Although it's a bit embarrassing, it's okay to hug my man's thigh, and there are no outsiders anyway.

In addition, she has a thick skin, so she thinks it's okay, as long as she herself knows that she is actually bigger than this emperor kid.

Chu Mubai looked at the woman holding his thigh, which really made him...


He also knew that this woman was different from other women, but seeing how thick-skinned she was, should he say that he has good eyesight, or should he say that his eyesight is too poisonous?Picked such a woman to like?

Han Shushu didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her doing so. She looked up at the tall man and grinned: "Honey, I've hugged your thigh like this, can't you agree to my little request?" ? I swear, as long as you sign this agreement, I will serve you well in the future and let you live a sexually happy life every night!"

After she finished speaking, she smiled even brighter.

Chu Mubai sighed unconsciously, he leaned over and lifted the woman lying on the ground, pinched her tender cheeks and said, "Shu Shu, you are a female doctor, but you can't even cure your own illness, is it right?" Can you ask the imperial concubine to look into your mind for you?"

"You're the only one out of your mind—" Han Shushu was furious.

When she saw Chu Mubai's disapproving eyes, she simply hugged his waist tightly: "I don't care. I saved you from the wolves last night, and I have saved your life in private. Yu Gong, I am your son's mother. I just made a small request, you have to agree! If you don't agree, I, I will drag you down like this for the rest of your life, so that you can't go anywhere. What's the matter? I can't do it either!"

In order to show that she was not lying, she hugged Chu Mubai even harder.

Chu Mubai didn't bother to pay any attention to Han Shushu, so he dragged Han Shushu to the study.

Han Shushu hugged his waist tightly all the time, and it was good to have **** in his arms.

Some time ago, I always felt that reviewing memorials was a very boring thing, but this woman was sympathetic to him and was willing to read the memorials with him.

He looked at the little woman who was burrowing into his arms, and tapped her delicate nose: "Is the memorial good-looking?"

Han Shushu burrowed into Chu Mubai's arms, and was curiously looking at the content of the memorial in his hand. Upon hearing his words, she immediately shook her head: "It's not good-looking."

"It's better if you don't look good, so that you can be tortured." Chu Mubai smiled.

When Han Shushu heard this, he bit Chu Mubai's wrist hard.

Chu Mubai was not angry either, and let her grow strawberries on her body.

Han Shushu bit it once, but finally let go.

She simply put her arms around Chu Mubai's neck and acted like a baby to him: "Honey, what exactly do you want to agree to sign that agreement with me?"

Chu Mubai took advantage of the opportunity to kiss her slightly pouting mouth: "I can't agree."

Although his one time was very long-lasting, it was far from enough for him to get between his teeth.He would be a fool if he really signed this kind of land cession and compensation agreement.

"Honey, dear husband, I like you so much, can't you let me go a little bit?"

(End of this chapter)

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