Chapter 1522 Dictatorship (1)

Wanxin couldn't help nagging Han Shushu.

It's just that she doesn't have much confidence in this woman.

After all, Han Shushu's temperament has been around for a long time, and he doesn't expect to change it, but at least he should restrain himself a little bit?

"This is the demeanor of a heroine." Han Shushu looked at it and found that it was stewed soup again, and his face collapsed immediately: "My dear, I don't want to drink the soup, can you take the soup away?"

When Wanxin heard the word "dear", her face immediately changed.

She looked behind her for the first time, and found no one to remind her in a low voice: "From now on, girl, please don't call your servant 'dear', otherwise the emperor will peel off your servant!"

"Huh?" Han Shushu was dumbfounded, only Dao Wanxin was joking.

Because she feels that Wanxin is close, she is called Wanxin dear, why is she not allowed to call her?Imprisoning her freedom is nothing more than restricting her freedom of speech, which is tantamount to imprisoning her thoughts!

"The servant is not joking. The emperor has indeed issued an imperial decree. If the girl is sympathetic to the servant, she should not call the servant like this again. The emperor has issued a verbal order, and the girl is only allowed to call the emperor 'dear'!" Wanxin explained patiently.

It's just that the person concerned, Han Shushu, doesn't know about this oral order.

Chu Mubai's possessiveness towards Han Shushu became stronger and stronger day by day. After knowing that "dear" is a nickname for someone close to him, he immediately issued such a verbal order, which really made people laugh and cry.

Han Shushu put down his short legs, sighed softly and asked, "Is Shisan a kind of illness?"

It's in vain for her to be a doctor, but she can't cure Chu Mubai's strange illness.

"Come on, knowing that the emperor cares about the girl so much, the girl must be so happy?" Wan Xin sneered.

"Happiness is happiness, but it's not that happy. Think about it, to be favored by the current emperor, a woman would be vain. But he wants to interfere in everything, and I have no freedom at all..." Han Shu Shu said and fell down on the dragon couch: "I still like to do what I like to do, waiting for a man to accompany me all day, what an empty life?"

"But the emperor likes it, so can't the girl wrong herself for the sake of the emperor?" Wan asked puzzledly.

If it were any other woman, she would be madly happy, but Han Shushu was just the opposite.

"Let's put it this way, loving someone is not such a perverted prison, and loving someone, you can't completely lose yourself. Anyway, you are not me, so you can't understand my complicated mood now. But it doesn't matter, I will win ten times sooner or later. Three, let him let me live my own life willingly!" Han Shushu replied proudly, and soon cheered up again.

Wanxin laughed and shook her head, saying that she couldn't say no to Han Shushu.

Under Wanxin's supervision, Han Shushu was forced to finish a large bowl of tonic soup.

After finally dismissing Wanxin, she paced back and forth in the room.

Beauty trap?This strategy will not work.

She doesn't use beauty tricks, Chu Mubai is always in heat.If she used this so-called beauty trick, wouldn't she have to pay for it and be thrown out by him?

Do you want to use bitter tricks?
Now with her blessed body, if she wants to use bitter tricks, she wonders if she can convince Chu Mubai, that old fox.

In any case, have to try.

It would have been more convincing to prick two needles into her pain points, but she was reluctant to be trampled on her precious body, so she decided to make some fuss about her face.

(End of this chapter)

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