The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1525 Overbearing and Dictatorship

Chapter 1525 Overbearing and Dictatorship (4)

How dare Han Shushu move again.I can't do it again, I have to cultivate myself and rest, and plan again another day.

Chu Mubai looked at the woman who guarded against him like a wolf with a smile, and said in a loud voice: "Wanxin, bring in the soup, and take good care of your body. I don't like women who are too thin. Get up and clap your hands!"

Han Shushu was furious, and threw a pillow at Chu Mubai.

This is intentional.

You're so stingy, knowing that she doesn't like to drink tonic soup, but you want to force her to drink it.

Knowing that she is extremely tired, what kind of bed do you want her to serve, you big villain!

Her embarrassment pleased Chu Mubai.

With a deep smile, he left the bedroom with graceful steps.

I didn't know this girl was so interesting before, let alone push her too hard.

Seeing her being so funny now, why not keep her by your side all the time, this day will surely be enjoyable.

Wanxin quickly entered, and served three bowls of tonic soup.

When Han Shushu saw it, he didn't even have the strength to complain.

In this way, she was trapped in the Hall of Mental Cultivation for a whole day.

At night, Chu Mubai turned into a wolf again and threw her down.The more she begged him, the more excited he became, just like a lunatic.

The next day, as soon as Chu Mubai left the Hall of Mental Cultivation to go to the morning court, Han Shushu immediately dragged his heavy body and ran out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation with outstanding lightness kung fu.

Wanxin and Anxin didn't expect Han Shushu to attack suddenly, and when they chased them out, Han Shushu was nowhere to be seen.

When they rushed to the south courtyard, they found that there was no sign of Han Shushu in the south courtyard.

Then I went to the Tai Hospital, and Han Shushu was not seen in the Tai Hospital.

Soon they thought of a place, and that was the East Palace.

Han Shushu didn't see Yuanbao for a day and a night, maybe he would stay in the East Palace and wait for a glimpse of Xiao Yuanbao.

In fact, Han Shushu had already been to the South Courtyard. After quenching her thirst after seeing her son, she immediately went to a very nice and quiet place, which was the Glass Palace.

That guy Chu Mubai definitely didn't expect that she would hide in the Liuli Palace.

She wanted to tell Chu Mubai that where there is oppression, there is resistance. She is not the woman who let him bully her but was powerless to fight back.

Push her into a hurry, she will run away!

After Chu Mubai came down to court, Wanxin immediately reported the news of Han Shushu's escape.

Chu Mubai's face was ugly: "A bunch of trash, with so many people in Yangxin Hall, they can't even look down on a woman!"

"Young lady's lightness kung fu is excellent, and my slaves can't outrun her." Wanxin lowered her head in shame.

She also knew that she was at fault for this matter, but it is an indisputable fact that Han Shushu's qinggong is good.

"Have you searched all the places?" Chu Mubai asked quietly.

Damn Han Shushu dared to disrespect the order, and even escaped when he saw the opportunity to go to court.Did she think she could get out of his control with just her little three-legged kung fu?
"I've looked for it, but I haven't seen the girl. The girl's disguise technique is good. If she changes her appearance, it will be even more difficult to find." Wanxin whispered again.

Chu Mubai's eyes darkened.

What do women do with so many skills?Be a weak woman and be trapped by him forever, so he doesn't have to worry about her running out of his control.

Sometimes I really wish I could lose all her abilities and just be an ordinary, ordinary woman.

Chu Mubai asked people to search the palace again, but they couldn't find Han Shushu.

Just when he was at his wit's end, he suddenly remembered a place where Han Shushu might be there.

(End of this chapter)

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