The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 153 Lend him a night in the boudoir

Chapter 153

Qin Zhuiyue didn't seem to see Qiu Shisan's hostility, and showed a friendly smile: "San Shisan, I haven't seen you for a while, and you look good again. I feel jealous after seeing this palace."

Han Shu listened to it and sweated a lot. People who didn't know it thought that Qin Zhuiyue and Qiu Shisan had a close relationship.

People like Qiu Shisan have always been solitary and low-key, and Qin Zhuiyue had poisoned Qiu Shisan before.These two are clearly rivals, how could they become friends?

This Qin Zhuiyue is also thick-skinned, he sticks his hot face to other people's cold ass, didn't you see that Thirteen is extremely indifferent to him?
"Stay away from Miss!" Qiu Shisan opened her lips coldly, disliking this person in front of her very, very much.

If Qin Zhuiyue hadn't become the emperor of Bei Qin in the future, he would have simply killed this unsightly person, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

"Miss, I want to kill my servant!" Another figure rushed towards Han Shu, it was that evil little maid.

"Nah, I'm not familiar with you, so don't get close to me."

Han Shu pushed Cailian away forcefully, not understanding why the court ladies trained by Qin Zhuiyue were so unscrupulous.

Last time she poisoned Qiu Shisan and was chased away by her, but this time she can still get close to her as if nothing had happened. Does this little maid think she has a big heart?

"My lady hurts my servant's heart by saying that." Cailian said and looked at Qiu Shisan: "My servant has seen the young master!"

Qiu Shisan didn't bother to pay attention to Qin Zhuiyue's master and servant, the two of them were an eyesore.

He stepped forward and clasped Han Shu's arm, dragging her forward.

Qin Zhuiyue frowned and looked at the two who were close, and suddenly cast a cold glance at Cailian: "Why didn't you tell Ben Gong that they are so close?"

Cailian was a little guilty, there were so many things she didn't say, and she was afraid that Qin Zhuiyue wouldn't be able to bear it if she said it, and would vomit blood with anger.

"Miss and Mr. Qiu were not so close when the maidservant left the South Courtyard."

Cailian opened her eyes and spoke nonsense.

Sometimes the truth is hard to accept, and it is better not to say anything.

Qin Zhuiyue slightly raised her eyebrows, knowing that things were not as Cailian said.Looking at the appearance of Han Shu and Qiu Shisan when they are together, it is clear that the relationship between the two is unusual.

Recalling that in the palace before, Qiu Shisan was protecting Han Shu all the time, and the eunuch was loyal to Han Shu.

When Cailian was sent back to the palace, he thought that Qiu Shisan had really been poisoned and would die soon.Unexpectedly, the truth came out the next day, Qiu Shisan had never been poisoned at all.

Everything is in Qiu Shisan's calculations.

Since he can't be killed, the only way is to have a good relationship with Qiu Shisan.

After all, no matter how important Qiu Shisan was to Han Shu, he was nothing more than an eunuch. One day Qiu Shisan would return to Southern Chu, and Han Shu was the daughter of Prime Minister Han and a native of Northern Qin.

As long as Han Shu can follow him willingly, other people or things are fine.

"Shu'er, I'm going to stay here tonight, can you borrow me in your boudoir?"

Qin Zhuiyue quickly caught up with Han Shu and expressed his request.


Han Shu and Qiu Shisan spoke in unison.

Qin Zhuiyue's eyes flashed, damn Qiu Shisan, a eunuch is trying to steal a woman from him, right?
As a castrated man, even if he is lucky enough to marry Han Shu back, it is impossible for Han Shu to experience the joy of love affairs between men and women, right?
"Why not? Shu'er, you should give me an explanation. You have to remember, I am the prince!" Qin Zhuiyue's gaze was fixed on Qiu Shisan's unruly hand.

I really want to chop off that unsightly hand!

 If you ask about other articles about Wo, most of them are the presidents of wealthy families. You can search for the pseudonym "1000 million" and you will be able to see other articles about Wo.Dear friends, I forgot to bubble, the watch is boring.

(End of this chapter)

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