Chapter 1530 Your Majesty, Restrain! (1)

"Tell me directly if you have anything to say." Lou Jinghong saw the hesitation in Han Shushu's eyes and knew that she had something to say.

Han Shushu's beautiful eyes rolled around, and he got closer to Lou Jinghong, before asking: "Is your relationship with the emperor not good?"

One mountain cannot contain two tigers, maybe because of this, Lou Jinghong and Chu Mubai cannot be friends?
Lou Jinghong took a deep look at Han Shushu, and then opened his lips indifferently: "Chu Mubai has been loved by the old city lord since he first entered Xuantian City. The old city lord has no children, and he even treats Chu Mubai as his own son to teach him." .Do you know how I survived?"

Han Shushu thought of Lou Jinghong's countless wounds, and his heart tightened slightly.

She seemed to mention Lou Jinghong's sad incident, and opened his wound again.

"There is a kind of people who live in the daytime, and people like me live in the dark night without sunlight. There is a cellar of life and death in Xuantian City, where there are tens of thousands of low-level believers. Those believers need to be whipped every day and night, and kill people every day Only then can I survive. I walked forward stepping on the corpses of all the believers, and it took me ten years to get out of the cellar of life and death and meet the old city lord." Lou Jinghong said in a low voice.

When I bring up those past events again, I still feel cold in my blood, thinking that I am still struggling to survive in that ghostly place.

It wasn't until a pair of soft and boneless hands held his cold palm that he broke free from the past.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't bring up your sad past." Han Shushu's eyes were full of apology.

People like Lou Jinghong don't need anyone's sympathy, including her.

He can become the current owner of Xuantian City, and he has his own set of survival rules.

Lou Jinghong looked at the jade hand in his palm, wanted to grab it, but didn't dare to do it.

He has never been afraid of anyone in his life, but now he is afraid of a woman, which is ridiculous.

"Didn't you survive now and become the owner of Xuantian City? By the way, you approached me because you heard that I can detoxify the curse, right? Tell me what disease you have. If I can help, I will definitely help you." Han Shushu smiled brightly and changed the subject.

Lou Jinghong glanced at Han Shushu, then shook his head slowly: "I don't know what my poisonous curse is, it probably means that I will die badly."

"What are you talking about, I think you are doing well, and your martial arts are so good, how could you not die?" Han Shushu saw Lou Jinghong's expression was not very good, and then said: "Then do you hate Shisan?"

She wanted to ask this question early in the morning, and when she got Lou Jinghong's answer, she felt confident.

In fact, now that one is the lord of Xuantian City and the other is the emperor of Nanchu, there shouldn't be any intersection.

Even if there were grievances and grievances in the past, it should be turned into friendship.

But judging by the appearance of the two, it is unlikely that they will become friends.

"Why, are you afraid that if I kill him, you will become a widow?" Lou Jinghong sneered.

Han Shushu spat softly: "Do you think your martial arts can kill him? Shisan is amazing, he is the world—"

Seeing Lou Jinghong's cold eyes, she laughed, and slapped him hard on the back: "You are the number one in the world, Thirteen is the second in the world, he can't beat you!"

Men like to save face, and this one in front of him is definitely no exception.Especially in the face of his old enemy, a man's self-esteem must be stronger.

"Not big or small!" Lou Jinghong patted Han Shushu's unruly hands away.

Only this dead girl dares to touch him. If she is eaten to death, he won't kill her?

(End of this chapter)

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