Chapter 1542 Oily and smooth-tongued honey-belly sword (6)

Even though he was vomiting, Chu Mubai still couldn't refuse Han Shushu.This shows that after a long time, the two will reconcile as before.

It's just that Han Shushu was indeed wrong when it came to this matter, so it's no wonder that Chu Mubai became uncharacteristically tough.

At noon that day, Han Shushu came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation again. She was holding a bouquet of bright flowers, which were so beautiful.

She handed the flowers to the guard: "Hey, these are flowers for the emperor, you must remember to pass them on for me."

The guard quickly responded.

As soon as Han Shushu left, the guard immediately sent the flowers to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When Chu Mubai received the bouquet of flowers, he had a strange expression on his face.

It took him a long time to take the flowers, and after a quick glance, he narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw that there was still a flower note inside.

On the flower paper is Han Shushu's beautiful handwriting:
You don’t have lovesickness in your life.

——To my favorite Thirteen, Shu Shu

Chu Mubai watched carefully for about half an hour, with a smile flooding his face, unable to close the corners of his grinning lips for a long time.

This dead girl does things one way, but her skill at coaxing people is improving day by day.

After watching for a while, he concentrated on political affairs.

In the evening, Han Shushu couldn't help but swayed to the front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

She asked the guard: "Does the emperor have nothing to say to me?"

The guard shook his head truthfully.

Hearing this, Han Shushu opened his voice and shouted into the Hall of Mental Cultivation: "Chu Mubai, you cheapskate!!"

After yelling, she ran away immediately.

What's the big deal, she has a lot of patience, if she didn't win Chu Mubai today, if she comes back tomorrow, she won't believe that arrogant man is willing to neglect her for the rest of his life.

When she returned to the south courtyard, she saw Lou Jinghong standing at the door.

She immediately remembered what Xiaocao said to herself last night.

Xiaocao said that what Lou Jinghong is best at is skinning people...

She turned around quietly, trying to avoid Lou Jinghong.

Lou Jinghong's lazy voice sounded behind her: "Han Shushu, I saw you, where are you going?"

Han Shushu secretly gritted his silver teeth, spurned himself once, then turned to look at Lou Jinghong, and said nonchalantly, "I don't know who is so handsome and elegant. Yes, it is rare in the world to see each other."

Lou Jinghong touched his face while laughing: "Is this seat really so good-looking?"

"Could it be fake? To tell the truth, you look much better than Shisan." Han Shushu replied ignorantly.

After all, she used to be kind to Lou Jinghong, but now she says a few more good words to Lou Jinghong, hoping that he can forget his past evil deeds and stop peeling her skin.

"You still have some foresight and insight. If you go back to Xuantian City with me, I will definitely let you be my wife!" Lou Jinghong's long arms were about to support Han Shushu's slender waist, and Han Shushu lightly Turning around, avoiding his touch.

She replied with a nonchalant smile: "Xiaocao told me that Mr. Jinghong has great taste, and he has very high requirements for beauties. It's not that you don't want to be beautiful, it's not that you don't like gorgeous ones, and you don't like those with bad figures." Go away, it’s not a virgin who should be kicked into hell. It just so happens that I, a woman, do not have a single feature that meets the aesthetic requirements of Mr. Jinghong, so how can I be worthy of being the wife of the city lord?"

What she is most fortunate about now is that she not only has a bad place, but also has a oil bottle like Yuanbao.

"After all, you are my friend, and you shouldn't be too harsh on friends."

(End of this chapter)

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