The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1545 The captive male pet plan

Chapter 1545 The Captive Male Pet Project (1)

Wanxin glanced at the coquettish Lou Jinghong, then at Chen Hao, who had a gloomy expression, and then walked slowly to Lou Jinghong's side.

"Are all the people around you so vile and shameless?!" Wanxin stared at Chen Hao's seductive and harmless face viciously.

Back then, she was deceived by this face, and when she thought of how frivolous she was after being stunned by Chen Hao, she became angry!
Lou Jinghong sneered and hooked his lips: "My people, it's not the turn of other people to make irresponsible remarks! Wanxin, you are not Han Shushu, be careful what comes out of your mouth."

If it wasn't for Wanxin's friendship with Han Shushu, and she dared to treat him like this, he would have slapped him long ago.

"City Lord, I want this woman!" Chen Hao pointed his fingers tenderly.

No woman has ever dared to beat him. Today's shameful humiliation, he must get it back from Wanxin!

Lou Jinghong remained silent.

This matter depends on Han Shushu's intentions.

If Han Shushu is willing to hand over Wanxin, he will naturally fulfill Chen Hao's wish.After all, Chen Hao is the most powerful guardian around him, usually arrogant and unruly.If Chen Hao is not given some benefits, it is impossible for Chen Hao to give up on him.

However, Wanxin's identity is always special, and he cannot act rashly.

"The city lord can't prevent me from taking what I want just because I want to please Han Shushu." Chen Hao saw through Lou Jinghong's concerns at a glance, and felt unhappy.

He usually worked his life for Lou Jinghong, but now he just wants a little maid, Lou Jinghong won't allow it?
Wanxin was startled when she heard it, and suddenly regretted that she had rushed into Chuxiu Palace rashly.

Listening to the conversation between Lou Jinghong and Chen Hao, Chen Hao didn't respect Lou Jinghong, the city lord, very much.

"Why don't I go to the imperial hospital and call the girl over to talk to the young master, what does the young master think?" Wanxin couldn't stand anymore, and said softly to Lou Jinghong.

Lou Jinghong glanced at Wanxin lightly, seeing through Wanxin's guilty conscience.

"I want to see her, of course I have a way, you don't need to worry about it." Lou Jinghong got up as he spoke, and before leaving, he said: "Chen Hao, don't go too far."

As soon as Lou Jinghong said this, Wanxin's face turned pale, but Chen Hao's face was filled with joy.

The emotions of the two are in stark contrast, and Lou Jinghong has disappeared without a trace.

Wanxin stared at Chen Hao with wide eyes, afraid that Chen Hao would rush over suddenly.

How could she be so stupid that she delivered the goods herself.She had heard about Lou Jinghong's various perverted behaviors in the past two days, and even ran over to die on her own initiative, it's useless not to die!

Wanxin's pale face satisfied Chen Hao's sadistic psychology.He approached Wanxin slowly, showing an evil smile: "You take it off yourself, or should I do it for you?!"

Wan Xin backed away while shaking her head, "You, don't come over, I'll call someone if you come over!"

"I like to hear women screaming the most. Last time you lost consciousness, kissing was like kissing a dead body. I just feel sorry." As soon as Chen Hao finished speaking, he had already arrived in front of Wanxin.

Wanxin hurriedly attacked Chen Hao, but Chen Hao seemed to be playing, and restrained her in an instant, trapping her in his arms.

He took a deep breath of the feminine fragrance emanating from Wanxin's body, and moved his unruly palms on her body: "As long as you obey me obediently, I will give you endless glory and wealth. Maybe, I can also let you be my sweetheart." concubine—”

"Bah, I don't care about it!" When did Wanxin meet such a shameless man, she blushed and shouted loudly.

"It seems that you like being raped by men. If so, I will fulfill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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