The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1550 The captive male pet plan

Chapter 1550 The Captive Male Pet Project (7)

Chu Yingchen looked at Qin Changting's back resentfully: "Changting, are you leaving your husband behind like this?"

Qin Changting paused in his footsteps, looked back at the evildoer with enchanting eyebrows, and snorted coldly: "This princess did not abandon you, it was an extrajudicial favor! Let this princess know that you dare to steal someone behind my back, and this son will give you a cloak." A dozen green hats!"

Throwing away the harsh words, Qin Changting left.

Chu Yingchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and fell back on the couch, only to feel that the couch still smelled of Qin Changting.

He lay down reluctantly for a while, savoring the wonderful taste just now, and finally found out the south courtyard.

After making sure that no one was following him, he left the palace with peace of mind.

After a few more days without incident, Han Shushu couldn't enter the Hall of Mental Cultivation every time he went back.

She suddenly felt that she had used the wrong method.Against that arrogant man Chu Mubai, his habitual low profile was useless at all.

How about thinking of a way to make Chu Mubai nervous?
This morning, instead of making breakfast, she drew several portraits of the young prince, and then sent them to the guards in the Hall of Mental Cultivation in a leisurely manner: "Remember to give these portraits to the emperor, and you can tell the emperor , I recently discovered a few stunning young masters, and I think their looks are outstanding..."

The guard was dumbfounded and didn't understand what Han Shushu wanted to express. Could it be that he wanted Hongxing to cheat?

It's just such a question, of course the guards dare not ask it out.

As soon as Han Shushu left, the guard immediately delivered the painting to Chu Mubai respectfully.

At first, Chu Mubai thought that Han Shushu had painted himself. With a gentle smile on his lips, he unfolded the rice paper. When he saw that the pictures were full of strange men, his eyes darkened slightly: "This is What's going on? Are you sure this is the picture sent by Han Aiqing?!"

"Back to the emperor, this is exactly the picture sent by the girl, and the girl also said..."

The guard told Han Shushu the truth in this way.

Chu Mubai's face changed again and again, and the painting in his hand was immediately crushed into powder by him, floating in the air.

What exactly does Han Shushu want to do?
Could it be that she still wants to have an affair with a man other than him?
Chu Mubai's face turned blue with anger, as long as he thought of this possibility, he could no longer sit still.

He was pacing back and forth in the room, and what flashed before his eyes was the scene of Han Shushu and other men making love, which made him furious.

Seeing that the floor was about to be trampled by Chu Mubai, Chu Yun said in a low voice, "Young lady can do all sorts of nasty things. Your majesty should be careful, don't regret it until the young lady really cheats—"

His words attracted Chu Mubai's sharp eyes.

Chu Yun touched his nose boredly, and stepped aside, not daring to speak any more.

After that, Chu Mubai didn't care about political affairs, and always cared about that woman Han Shushu in his heart.

I don't know where the man she saw actually drew several pictures.Could it be that these days when he wasn't by her side, she not only had a hot fight with Lou Jinghong, but also found a bad boy outside the palace?
After pacing back and forth for a long time, Chu Mubai finally felt that, as a monarch, he should not spend all his thoughts on a woman.

Isn't he doing great these days?Without Han Shushu by his side, he was diligent in political affairs and in a good mood.

As long as he keeps going, it will be very rare for Han Shushu to affect his emotions in the future.

Even if one day she hooks up with other men, he doesn't care, at worst, he throws her out of the palace, out of sight and out of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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