Chapter 1557 Sister Comes to Pamper You (1)

"Don't worry about being frivolous. What I hate is you, a lowly man who doesn't know what etiquette and shame are. When January is up, you will get out of the palace. I just have to wait for that day to come!" Wan Xin said lightly. echoed.

"You're not afraid of provoking me, and I'll break your body?!" Chen Hao looked at Wanxin coldly, and really didn't like the woman's cold eyes.

"If you want, you can just take it, it's just an innocence. It's not you, it's other men, it's no different." After Wanxin finished speaking, she walked away without looking back.

A playful evil smile appeared on Chen Hao's lips.

As expected, she was the woman he fell in love with at the first sight, with courage and boldness.

Which woman in this world does not cherish her innocence?Unless it is a watery flower generation.

And Wanxin is definitely not a woman who is restless in the room.

Only this kind of challenging woman will have pleasure when conquered.

Originally thought that getting Wanxin's body would be an interesting thing, but now it seems that if she gets Wanxin's heart so that she can't live without herself, that would be even more interesting.

He wanted Wanxin's body and mind!
Wanxin quickly returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and was slightly relieved to see that Chen Hao hadn't followed.

Although what she said before was high-sounding, she would not be happy if Chen Hao really ruined her innocence.

It's just that Chen Hao's martial arts are much higher than hers, and Chu Mubai has always allowed people from Xuantian City to live in the palace. She also knows that although she is Chu Mubai's confidant, except for Han Shushu, Chu Mubai will not He cared about everyone, including of course her personal palace servant.

Over the years, she has already seen through all of this.

So what she can do is to save herself and send Chen Hao away with her own ability.

Or, can she help Chen Hao find another beautiful prey to divert Chen Hao's attention?
The idea was fleeting, and she felt that this was a feasible method.

Chu Mubai is unreliable, but Han Shushu can definitely be trusted.

In the afternoon, Wanxin found a free time, went to Han Shushu, and explained her reason for coming.

Han Shushu immediately became interested when he heard about it.

She found Chen Hao very unpleasant.Relying on being Lou Jinghong's right protector, he thought that because of his high martial arts skills, he could do whatever he wanted in Chu Mubai's territory.

How could such a nice woman like Wanxin be touched by a flirtatious ghost like Chen Hao?
After Wanxin left, Han Shushu asked someone to ask, and he was very excited when he learned that Nangong was in the palace.

She ordered someone to find Nangong and meet outside the imperial hospital.

Han Shushu's eyes sting when he saw Nangong in a purple robe.

Only then did she realize that she hadn't seen this person for a while.

Although he looks good, he has lost a lot of energy.The previous sharpness and coldness have become peaceful and steady.There was a warm light in his deep eyes, delicate and tender.

She blinked her dry eyes lightly, until Nangong walked up to her, she smiled a little: "Nangong, are you here?"

Could it be that if she doesn't look for him, he will never see him again?
"What's the matter, did the emperor bully you?" Nangong asked nervously, seeing that Han Shushu was depressed.

Han Shushu shook his head, and then shook his head again.

It was she who bullied Nangong, and she owed this man, and she would never be able to repay it.

She took a deep breath, and after she calmed down, she said slowly, "I came to you because I want your help..."

(End of this chapter)

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