Chapter 1565 Five flowers tied (4)

Before that, Chen Hao only thought that women were playthings, and never thought of marrying a wife, but now, he thinks getting married is pretty good.

If I can see Wanxin sleeping next to me every morning when I wake up, it should be a good experience.

"What's wrong with you, you actually want to marry a court lady? Didn't you have a hot fight with Shuang'er recently?" Lou Jinghong looked at Chen Hao in surprise.

Chen Hao is a genius in martial arts, but he is also proud and conceited, and likes to play with women, how can he stop for a woman?
Today he said he wanted to marry Wanxin, did he take some wrong medicine to say such nonsense?
"Shuang'er was killed by me this morning. Speaking of this matter, I would like to ask, why did the city lord conspire with Han Shushu to harm me? Because of the city lord, Wanxin despises me even more..."

"It's you who can't stand the temptation of women, who is to blame? If I were Wanxin, I would definitely not marry a romantic man like you!" Lou Jinghong interrupted Chen Hao's complaint.

I am ashamed to say that he is not.

Did he drug Chen Hao?

It was Chen Hao himself who was fascinated when he saw Shuang'er, but he didn't force Chen Hao.

"After experiencing Shuang'er, I found that I want Wanxin even more. If I don't get her in this life, I will die with regret! I have never asked the city lord for anything before, this is the first time, I hope the city lord will help you!" Chen Hao said Then, he bowed to Lou Jinghong earnestly.

Lou Jinghong stared at Chen Hao as if he was looking at a monster. After a long time, he said: "I will talk to Chu Mubai about it. As for whether Chu Mubai will agree to hand over Wanxin to you, I will Can't guarantee it."

"Thank you, the city lord!" Chen Hao immediately beamed with joy.

"I said, do you really like Wanxin so much?" Lou Jinghong looked Chen Hao up and down, wondering if Chen Hao was throwing up, and then he came up with the idea of ​​marrying Wanxin.

"I will miss her when I can't see her, and I will get angry when I see the hatred on her face. Anyway, I just want to marry her. I will marry her home. If she is disobedient, I will torture her slowly. Until she is obedient!" Chen Hao said his plan.

When Lou Jinghong heard this, he immediately felt that Chen Hao didn't really like Wanxin, but was completely possessive.

Just because Wanxin was the first woman who was honest with Chen Hao, Chen Hao wanted to conquer her.

Half an hour later, Lou Jinghong entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation and asked Chu Mubai to propose marriage.

Chu Mubai heard Chen Hao say that he wanted to marry Wanxin, and looked at Chen Hao: "Tell me, why do you want to marry Wanxin?"

"I like her, so I want her!" Chen Hao replied frantically.

A sharp edge flashed in Chu Mubai's eyes: "Although I did not intervene in Wanxin's matter, I will not decide Wanxin's life-long affairs arbitrarily. If you want to marry Wanxin, you can, unless she herself agrees to marry you, Otherwise, I will not entrust Wanxin to you."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chu Yun: "Go and call Wanxin over here!"

Not long after, Wanxin came to Chu Mubai.

"Chen Hao said he wants to marry you, are you willing to marry?" Chu Mubai asked quietly.

Wanxin turned pale with fright when she heard these words, she immediately knelt down in front of the emperor: "If the emperor marry this servant to this man, servant would rather die in front of the emperor immediately!"

Let her marry Chen Hao in the next life!

It's not like she's full of food, marrying a perverted, dead-faced embryo like Chen Hao.

"It's your luck that I'm willing to marry you, but you don't know what's good—" Before Chen Hao finished speaking, he was kicked by Lou Jinghong.

(End of this chapter)

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