The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1576 The dark tide is surging

Chapter 1576 The Dark Tide Surges (7)

Shi Xiuyu looked numb.

If she had never entered the palace, would she and Lu Qingyun have been the enviable couple?
If she had any regrets in this life, it would be that she missed Lu Qingyun. She didn't even have time to tell Lu Qingyun how much she loved him, and she had come to where she is today.

"Heart-eating Gu, the name sounds very interesting. Shi Xiuyu, why don't you tell Shi Aiqing carefully what the Heart-eating Gu is." Chu Mubai said again in a soft voice. He never looked at Shi Xiuyu who was kneeling on the ground, even Shi Shangshu, I didn't even look at it.

Shi Shangshu's face was as pale as paper.

Although he didn't know what the Heart-eating Gu was, when he heard about the Gu worm, he knew it was an extremely evil and cruel thing, not to mention that Shi Xiuyu wanted to use the Gu worm on Han Shushu, a woman.

Han Shushu is Chu Mubai's favorite woman, if something happens to her, the entire Shi family will pay for it.

His daughter has always been smart, how could she do such a stupid thing?

"Heart-eating Gu, as the name suggests, lives in the heart. It is cruel by nature, eats people's hearts, eats people's internal organs, and the victim is tortured by the Gu insects day and night. The pain is so painful that they cannot live or die!" Shi Xiulan's face turned gray, Come slowly.

"It's a pity that such a treasure is used on my woman, and I will reward it to you." Chu Mubai waved his sleeve, and the Gu worm got into Shi Xiuyu's eyes at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and jumped into it. her body.

Not long after, she rolled on the ground in pain.

She couldn't stand the pain, so she crawled up to Han Shushu, hugged her leg and begged for mercy: "Please, please forgive me, give Xiuyu a pain, please, aunt, girl... ah!!"

Before Shi Xiuyu finished speaking, she let out another miserable cry and rolled on the ground in pain.

Han Shushu looked away, it was hard to imagine that if he used this thing on himself, he would experience the same pain.

This woman Shi Xiuyu is really ruthless, she actually wants to use something as vicious as the Heart-biting Gu to deal with her.

Her father, Shi Shangshu, was still there, and if he saw his precious daughter being treated like this with his own eyes, he might feel resentful towards Chu Mubai.

"Your Majesty, Shi Xiuyu is my disciple after all. I don't want to do too badly. Although she did have it, she has not lost her conscience, and she knows to protect her clansmen at critical moments. If she has been punished, it is better to spare her." Die?" Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai, hoping that he would forgive him.

I'm afraid he will ridicule his wife's benevolence again?

Sometimes she also felt that it was too difficult for a vicious woman like Shi Xiuyu to change.Shi Xiuyu can harm her today, and Shi Xiuyu may harm other people in the future, so why should she repay her with virtue?
However, if it is to help Chu Mubai make one less enemy, she thinks it is right to do so.

In the future, she still doesn't know if she can be with him forever. If one day she leaves, she hopes that he will live well and that all his subjects will be loyal to the Lord.

As for her personal grievances, they are actually not that important.

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu for a long time, and finally shook his head and sighed: "How many times have I told you that you must be ruthless when you should be ruthless! Some people don't think you let her go, she will change it."

"But I think Shi Xiuyu's conscience has not been completely wiped out. She also values ​​family affection and love. A woman who values ​​affection should not be too bad." Han Shushu looked at Shi Xiuyu who was writhing on the ground in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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