Chapter 1582 Be My Queen (5)

Wanxin originally planned to tell Han Shushu that she wanted to stay with Han Shushu at any time.

At this moment, Chu Mubai was in the morning court, and only at this time, she did not wait by Chu Mubai's side.

Because of this, Chen Hao has the opportunity to approach her, which is the only loophole Chen Hao can take advantage of.

Of course, maybe she was thinking too much.

Several days have passed, Chen Hao may have found a new prey, and it may not be that she has long forgotten her character.

After all, Chen Hao's kind of man is playful and thin-hearted, relying on his handsome face, he thinks that all women in the world will be fascinated by him.

Seeing that Han Shushu was thinking about something, Wanxin didn't want to be disturbed, so she left the bedroom.

She went to the front hall and was looking for palace servants to clean the front hall, but she couldn't find anyone.

Her complexion changed slightly, she felt that something was wrong, she turned around and was about to run, but she was not as fast as the other party, and she directly crashed into the arms of a man, wasn't it Chen Hao?

Before her consciousness was swallowed by the darkness, she heard a cry for help: "Girl, save—"

She didn't finish her sentence, she had already been hit by Chen Hao's Ya acupuncture point, and her consciousness was also lost.

At this moment, she probably knew that she couldn't avoid this catastrophe, and Han Shushu couldn't save her...

When she woke up again, Wanxin only felt that her whole body was hot and uncomfortable.

She probably knew that she had been drugged, and her body was out of her control.

Chen Hao's frivolous laughter reached her ears, and when the clothes on her body were peeled off one by one, she closed her eyes sadly: "Does it have to be like this?"

"Wanxin, I'll teach you ****, after you have tasted it, you will definitely fall in love with it and can't stop..."

Chen Hao's voice drifted into Wan Xin's ears.

She could feel her body blooming in Chen Hao's hands, and at the moment when she was broken, her lax consciousness finally came back.

She opened her hazy beautiful eyes, and watched the handsome and domineering man in her body.

Finally got to this point.

If you ask if you care, she is just an ordinary woman.I also thought that if one day I could meet a man who I like and the other party likes me, I would marry and have children for him.

Now, her innocence is ruined by a man like Chen Hao...

"Finally woke up..." Chen Hao smiled, and frivolously kissed Wanxin's sweaty temples.

When he tasted her salty tears, he smiled frivolously and pinched Wanxin's chin: "You are so wronged by committing yourself to me?"

Wanxin turned her head away in resentment, unwilling to take another look at the beast in clothes that ruined her innocence.

Her attitude completely angered Chen Hao.

Originally he thought it was her first time and wanted to be gentle with her, but she didn't know what was good and what was bad.

That being the case, why should he treat her kindly?

Only pain can make her remember herself.

"See clearly, who is occupying your body!" After Chen Hao's words fell, he launched a violent attack...

An hour later.

Chen Hao got down from Wan Xin's body.

He glanced at Wanxin coldly, and hooked his lips evilly: "Now your innocence has been ruined by me. If you are sensible, marry me obediently as a wife, and I am willing to be responsible to you. While I am still willing to want you, you can just marry me." Should……"

Before he finished speaking, Wanxin growled at him: "Get out!!"

Chen Hao was taken aback.He had just taken away her innocence, logically speaking, shouldn't she have caught him?
This woman actually told him to fuck off? !

She pissed him off unknowingly, and he might abandon her!

(End of this chapter)

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