The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1589 Unconditional Blind Obedience

Chapter 1589 Unconditional Blind Obedience (4)

The anxious Chen Hao didn't even take off his clothes, so he bullied himself, trying to occupy Ruo'er's body.

When he was about to kick the door, Chen Hao looked at Ruo'er's face in a daze, and somehow lost his sexuality again.

He got off Zi Ruo'er in frustration, not understanding what was wrong with him.

In the past, I liked to play with women to find excitement, but now why do I lack interest?

A stunning beauty like Ruo'er is no worse than Wanxin's broken flowers and willows, and her body is even better than Wanxin's, but he is so damn uninterested? !

Chen Hao is unwilling to admit this fact.

He brought Mammy over again, and asked Mammy to find some beauties who were prettier and more glamorous than Ruo'er.

Mammy looked at Ruo'er, and thought to herself that even Ruo'er's beauty could not satisfy Chen Hao, is this too picky?
The most beautiful ones in the beauties workshop were all picked by Chen Hao just now, and there are still some older beauties left, and I don't know if they can meet Chen Hao's appetite.

Taking people's money to eliminate disasters for others, the nanny then found all the beautiful women in the Beauty Square. One of them, Qing'er, was cold and frosty. The eyes are somewhat similar to Ruoer.

The nanny thought about it, but didn't care too much, so she sent Qing'er to Chen Hao.

As a result, after this glance, Chen Hao directly ignored the other beauties and raised Qing'er's chin.

Qing'er was forced to meet Chen Hao's eyes.

The man in front of him was gorgeous, but he was a rare handsome man.Even so, Qing'er was still unwilling to please.She was sold into the beauty house by her family, and she didn't want her life to be ruined in this place of fireworks.

"My lord, this is Qing'er. She hasn't received any guests yet, and she was sent to the Beauty House a month ago." Seeing that there is something going on, the nanny sees the needle, hoping that Chen Hao can pick Qing'er, and stop embarrassing her, an old man.

"Qing'er, not a bad name." Chen Hao looked at Qing'er's icy face, and thought of Wanxin's dismissive indifference every time he saw him, and felt that Qing'er was more and more similar to Wanxin.

Seeing that Qing'er was standing still, Mammy kicked her and gave Qing'er a wink.

Seeing that Chen Hao didn't treat her lightly like other men, Qing'er finally calmed down and bowed to Chen Hao: "Thank you for your praise!"

Chen Hao pinched her snowy palate, looked left and right for a while, and then said: "If you don't want to stay in Beauty Square, I can redeem you."

As soon as he said this, he felt surprised.

He has never been a good person, and looking for beauties in Hualou is just to relieve his body's needs. He has never thought of redeeming himself for any woman. What happened to him today?
Qing'er's eyes were even redder, she never expected that she would be able to walk out of the scary place of Beauty's Square in such a short period of time.

At that moment, she knelt down in front of Chen Hao and kowtowed to him: "If you can redeem Qing'er, Qing'er, from now on, Qing'er is willing to work for you, no matter what!"

"Get up." Chen Hao looked at Nanny, begging for favors.

Mammy was also very winking, so she didn't ask for a high price, and asked Chen Hao to redeem Qing'er from the beauty house at a reasonable price.

Half an hour later, Qing'er followed Chen Hao and left the Beauty Square, feeling like a dream.

After that, Chen Hao took her to fun places, eat delicious food, and buy beautiful clothes and jewelry.

Until it got dark, Chen Hao stood on the third floor of the inn, staring in the direction of the palace in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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