Chapter 1618 The Baby's Father (1)

The man in front of him was as indifferent as iron, with deep eyebrows, and his stern face was as sharp as a knife.She used to be unable to sleep at night because of this face.She also imagined more than once how happy she would be if she could enter the marriage hall with him one day.

Obviously it hasn't been a long time, but when I look at this man now, I suddenly feel strange.

If there were doubts before, Han Shushu felt that he had really traveled through time when he saw Nangong.She experienced a relationship in another world, and only then did she downplay her deep hatred for Nangong.

"Sit down." Nangong was the first to recover and beckoned Han Shushu to sit down.

Han Shushu sat down on the sofa as she said. She looked around Nangong's office and remembered that she had been here many times before.Sometimes she is his assistant, sometimes she just needs to sit quietly.

An office that was so familiar suddenly seemed strange.

"What's the matter?" Nangong stared at Han Shushu intently, feeling that she looked strange.

It took Han Shushu a while to recover, and said, "Will I disturb your work by coming here?"

Her gaze was fixed on Nangong's face, and she felt her heartbeat carefully.

Again and again, it was very gentle, as if Nangong could no longer affect her emotions.

"You also know that it will disturb my work?" Nangong curled his lips with a half-smile, but his expression was a bit serious.

In the past, when he said this, Han Shushu would definitely get up and leave immediately.

This time, she was different.

She just pursed her lips and smiled, didn't speak any more, just sat on the sofa in a daze.

Nangong waited quietly for a while, a little unaccustomed to Han Shushu like this, he said, "Are you here because I'm getting married?"

According to what he knew about Xiao Shu, she probably wanted to prevent him from getting married, right?
After all, she had said more than once that she wanted to marry him when she grew up.

But now, he is finally getting married, but the bride is not her, so it is normal for her to stop him.

Han Shushu was startled for a moment, then shook his head: "I just have something I can't figure out, so I came here specially to ask you. I'll leave after asking!"

"What's the matter?" Nangong asked quietly.

According to his thinking, what Han Shushu wanted to ask should be his marriage with Leng Ying.

"I want to ask, why didn't you save me the day the fire broke out." Han Shushu asked quietly.

I have an answer in my heart.

Nangong didn't come back to save her because she was not important to him.But she thought, even if there is no love, since she has been with him for so many years, shouldn't there be a little friendship or family affection?
Could it be that in Nangong's heart, her life is like an ant, worthless at all?
"Ying'er is injured, I'm going to take her to the hospital. You have been independent since you were a child, so you should be able to handle such things." Nangong replied calmly.

"That's right." Han Shushu smiled and looked straight at Nangong.

She should have seen the truth earlier.

In Nangong's heart, except for the people he cares about, other people are not worth mentioning at all.

He didn't come back to save her, but because she was not someone he cared about.

"Otherwise?" Nangong frowned and asked back, not liking to see the erratic smile of the woman in front of her.

The small bundle in front of him looked too strange, unlike the cowardly woman he knew.

In the past, Xiao Shu would go through fire and water for him as long as he said a word.

(End of this chapter)

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