Chapter 162

"What I'm thinking is interesting. Thirteen, do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Han Shu said, giving up his seat.

She thought that Qiu Shisan would be willing to sleep with her.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Shisan shook his head decisively: "No, I'll just stay outside."

"Why?" Han Shu was puzzled.

She knew that he stayed outside to protect her, but why did he go outside to suffer?It's not like they haven't slept together.

She doesn't mind anymore, is he still afraid of people's words?

Qiu Shisan didn't make a sound.

He can't tell her that every time he sleeps on the same bed with her, he can't sleep at night, can he?All he wanted was to attack her, but some people didn't know his evil intentions.

"Otherwise, I'll ask Xiaocao to prepare a chaise longue, so that you don't have to work so hard. If you feel bad, you can also use the floor bed. If you feel wronged by using the floor bed, why don't you sleep on the couch and I'll use the floor bed. Do you think it's okay?"

Han Shu thought of a series of good methods.

Qiu Shisan looked deeply at Han Shu, and suddenly realized that this woman really treated him well.

If one day she finds out that he lied to her, will she hate him?

Seeing that Qiu Shisan had no objection, Han Shu immediately found Xiaocao, and quickly laid the floor.

In the end, she still slept in her own comfortable nest, while Qiu Shisan slept in front of her couch, where she could see it with her head.

This reassured her very much.

In fact, she is also very timid sometimes, and she is most afraid of seeing dead people.

Today, I watched a living person burn to death in front of me for no apparent reason, and it was a lie in my heart to say that I was not afraid.

If she is really allowed to sleep alone, she may have a lot of imagination.

Just when she was drowsy, Qiu Shisan's voice faintly spread into her ears.

"I killed many people on the street that day, why didn't the lady ask about it?"

He had always wanted to ask about this matter, but he was afraid that she would not want to mention it.He knew that she didn't like him killing people.

Sometimes, he was afraid that his bloody self would disgust her.

"If you have any questions, kill them if you kill them. That's because they deserve to die. There is no need to be soft on those who deserve to die. Of course, if you can solve all the troubles without killing people, that would be great." Han Shu said Chao Qiu Shisan waved.

Qiu Shisan didn't know why, so he moved closer to Han Shu.

Unexpectedly, Han Shu kissed him on the forehead suddenly: "Hey, go to bed early, don't disturb me, I'm so sleepy."

As soon as she finished speaking, she got into bed and fell asleep.

Qiu Shisan touched her forehead in hesitation, where the soft touch of her lips still remained.

Originally, he thought that he could sleep better by sleeping separately from Han Shu, but unexpectedly, because of Han Shu's kiss without any charm, it took him another half night to fall asleep.

Qiu Shisan had just closed his eyes when he heard the noise outside the door.

He had always been in a light sleep, and immediately woke up, opened the door, and asked Xiaocao who was guarding the door: "What happened?"

Xiaocao looked at Han Shu who was still sleeping, and whispered back: "Mrs. Qi'er just received the silk note, saying that Yin Shizheng is her death date. Master, do you want to wake up Miss?"

It will be Yinshi soon, and if Han Shu doesn't see what happened, he will definitely be worried.

Qiu Shisan didn't answer, went directly to the bed and helped Han Shu up.

Han Shu's sleepy eyes were dim, and seeing that it was Qiu Shisan, he leaned in his arms with peace of mind, and yawned again and again: "It's still early, where is this taking me?"

(End of this chapter)

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