Chapter 1622 The Baby's Father (5)

The origin of Qin Zhuiyue, a real estate tycoon, is unknown.I only know that there have been a lot of news about Qin Zhuiyue this week, one is because Qin Zhuiyue is so good-looking, and the other is because of his strong financial resources, he became the latest Internet celebrity overnight.

Even no one could find out Qin Zhuiyue's family background, which added a lot of mystery to Qin Zhuiyue.

Han Shushu didn't hear everyone's discussion, her gaze was fixed on the flower paper.

Qin Zhuiyue?
The name sounded familiar, but she couldn't remember that she knew this person.

No, she is very familiar with her. The male supporting role in one of her novels is called Qin Zhuiyue...

Next, everyone gathered around her to ask questions.

She really couldn't answer any questions, so in the end she could only choose to escape and avoid these gossips.

When Nangong walked out of the office, he heard all the secretaries discussing. Seeing him coming out, everyone immediately silenced and pretended to work hard.

He didn't take it seriously, when he passed the secretary's work area, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bunch of bright red roses on a familiar desk, and he paused slightly.

The life circle of Xiaoshu he knew was very small, except for him, he hardly knew anyone else, so it was impossible for a man to send her flowers.

Probably because she knew that he was going to get married, she gave herself flowers and wanted to use this method to attract his attention, thinking that this would arouse his possessive desire for her.

This girl's means are too LOW, and such an outdated trick is also used.

Han Shushu hid in the bathroom for a while, thought up a set of words, and then returned to the office.

The flowers on her table disappeared and the phone rang.

It's Nangong's internal call, asking her to come into the office.

She thought it was a matter of work, she didn't dare to neglect, and immediately ran into Nangong's office.

When she saw the familiar bunch of red roses in Nangong's office, she was dumbfounded for a moment, not understanding why the flowers ended up in Nangong's hands.

The funniest thing is that Nangong still has a flower note in his hand.He half-closed his eyes, and his half-smile looked very flat.

She forgot Nangong's identity for a moment, and wanted to snatch the paper and flowers when she stepped forward, and said angrily: "This is my thing, why do you peek at it?"

"Xiao Shu, can you stop being so childish? Qin Zhuiyue sent you flowers, who would believe it? Even if you want to attract my attention, don't use such a stupid method." Nangong said, shaking his head and laughing.

Han Shushu blushed: "What do you mean?!"

Nangong meant that she was sending flowers to herself, trying to use Qin Zhuiyue to attract his attention?

She would not do such a shameless thing, is Nangong too narcissistic?

"Xiao Shu, I just want to tell you that my marriage with Ying'er is a foregone conclusion, and you don't have to do any more useless work. I only treat you as a friend, and I only treat you as a younger sister—"

Hearing this, Han Shushu felt a little nauseous.She didn't know if it was a pregnancy reaction, or because Nangong's words made her feel ashamed, she covered her mouth, and wanted to run out of Nangong's office to go to the staff bathroom, but it was too late.

She rushed into the bathroom in Nangong's office and retched for a while before suppressing the discomfort in her heart.

She managed to catch her breath, but when she reached the door of the bathroom, she started to feel sick again.

After this tossing, it took more than ten minutes to return to normal.

She walked out of the bathroom weakly, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Nangong waiting outside the bathroom, her face didn't seem too good-looking.

(End of this chapter)

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