Chapter 1635 House Arrest (2)

"You are not allowed to touch him, just come to me if you have anything to do!!" Han Shushu blurted out, subconsciously defending Chu Mubai.

Nangong pursed his lips in displeasure.

Is this woman courting a man of unknown origin?
Han Shushu also found that her tone was wrong, she took a breath and said again: "I don't know him well. He moved here yesterday, and I just met him yesterday. He is very nice, he knew that I was in trouble, and helped me Once, it's as simple as that."

"Are you sure you're not lying?" Nangong asked coldly.

For a character like Chu Mubai, whether it is his superb skills, his extraordinary temperament, or his face that can captivate all living beings, it shows that he is not a simple person.

Among all the people he had dealt with, none of them shocked him as much as Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai is by no means an ordinary person. How could such a big shot fight for a neighbor he just met for a day?

"Whether you believe it or not, I really don't know him well. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up..."

"Wait!" Nangong quickly stopped.

"Is there anything else?" Han Shushu asked quietly.

Nangong pondered for a moment: "I just drank too much and got a headache, can you come over to my place?"

According to his understanding of this woman, she is likely to be soft rather than hard.

Since the use of strong is not enough, it is better to try other methods.

"Go to Miss Leng, I'm hanging up." Han Shushu said, and hung up the phone directly.

She stared at the blacked-out phone screen in a daze.

In the past, she was willing to do whatever Nangong asked her to do.

However, he is going to marry Leng Ying soon, and she is also pregnant with another man's child, and they are destined to go farther and farther.

She didn't know how to reject Nangong before, but she learned to say "no" in the future, and tonight is a good start.

On that side, Nangong cursed in a low voice, and almost threw the phone out.

Once upon a time, Xiao Shu who was obedient to him dared to disobey him again and again.

Did she think that Chu Mubai could protect her forever?
Nangong's eyes gradually turned cold.He couldn't believe it, it would be so difficult to deal with Xiao Zhu.

Just when he was distracted, Leng Ying knocked on the door and entered.

He watched the cold figure in sexy pajamas slowly walking towards him, and soon she sat on his lap and hooked his neck.

To be honest, Leng Ying was the one who attracted his attention the most among all the women he had ever seen, and the first woman he wanted to settle down with.

"I'm still busy at this time, what's the matter?" Leng Ying exhaled like blue on Nangong's lips, slid his fingers past his ears, got into his shirt collar, and stroked his smooth chest muscles.

This man is so outstanding, she finally got to this day with him. In the past two days, he has treated her a little coldly, which made her uneasy.

"I still have some things to attend to..." Before Nangong finished speaking, the cold shadow suddenly attacked his important parts, teasing ambiguously.

Nangong's eyes darkened slightly.

Leng Ying understands men very well, and understands men's preferences even more.

"I'll deal with business tomorrow, now..." Leng Ying's kiss stretched down Nangong's neck.

Just when she was emotional, Nangong grabbed her hand and pushed her aside: "Go out and close the door."

Leng Ying looked at Nangong's cold side face in surprise, this was the first time he refused her courtship.

Her face was a little ugly, but she didn't say any more.A smart woman knows how to advance and retreat, but she is not that stupid woman like Han Shu!

(End of this chapter)

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