Chapter 1637 House Arrest (4)

She was injured like that at that time, and he ignored her.Everything has changed, is she going to tell him how much she was hurt by him?
"It's too late for you to ask now." Han Shushu said hoarsely, pushing Nangong away.

"Why is it too late? You are right in front of me now, tell me, where did you get hurt?" Nangong said, pulling Han Shushu's clothes.

Han Shushu didn't expect him to make a move, so he pushed him away and wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, when she reached the door of the living room, several bodyguards blocked her way.

"I know you are strong. They have guns in their hands. If you try to break in, I don't guarantee that they will reward you with bullets." Nangong's voice sounded behind her.

Han Shushu laughed back angrily, "You want to put me under house arrest?!"

"Don't speak so harshly! Didn't you always want to be my woman? Now I'll give you a chance. Even if I'm married, you can still be my woman and sleep in my bed!"

Nangong Shien's tone.

Han Shushu looked at Nangong for a while, and suddenly felt that the man in front of him was very strange.

How could she like this man for so many years?

"Miss Leng, I don't know how she would feel if she heard your words." Han Shushu looked at Nangong sarcastically, then turned and went upstairs.

There's no need for her to confront Nangong head-on, at worst she can figure out a way to escape on her own.

The top priority is not to let Nangong find out that she is pregnant, otherwise this person will do something too extreme.

She hoped that Nangong would go to work in the company quickly, so that he would not have extra time and energy to deal with her.

However, Nangong stayed in the villa and didn't go anywhere.

At lunch, Han Shushu felt very bad when he sat at the table.

Because she saw leeks, she couldn't smell it.

She hurriedly got up, went upstairs as fast as she could, and locked herself in the bathroom.

She retched for ten minutes before returning to normal.

When she opened the door of the bathroom and saw Nangong standing at the door, she pretended to be calm and said: "Maybe I got sick from eating, I went to the bathroom just now."

"Really?" Nangong's long finger wiped the corner of Han Shushu's lips, there were still water stains on it.

Her face was pale, without a trace of blood.

If he remembered correctly, she also hid in the bathroom yesterday, when she was throwing up.

Today she threw up again, is this just a simple gastrointestinal problem?
Han Shushu knew that Nangong was not easy to deceive, so she said nonchalantly: "You go and eat first, I will rest for a while before eating."

"You look bad, I'll ask the family doctor to come and see you."

Nangong said, staring at Han Shushu's face closely, trying to see some clues from her face.

Han Shushu's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled and said, "I can feel the pulse myself. Actually, there's nothing wrong. I don't need to see a doctor."

"I'm worried about you. I have to find a doctor to take a look at you." Nangong said, and walked aside to make a phone call.

Han Shushu was worried.

what to do?Should she run away quickly?

But where could she go?The bodyguards of Nangong's family were all equipped with guns. Nangong was ruthless. If she really shot at her, it would be one dead body and two lives.

"The doctor will be here soon, just wait a moment, I'll be here with you." Nangong said, pulling Han Shushu to sit down by the bed.

He felt the sweat in Han Shushu's palm, and a flash of hostility flashed in his eyes: "Why are your hands so cold?"

Is this a guilty conscience?

What kind of disease can't be seen by a doctor, and you have to vomit every day?
(End of this chapter)

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